Thursday, November 19, 2020

George Soros Documentary Coming

"A  new documentary Soros, directed by Jesse Dylan and available Nov. 20, examines the life of the Hungarian-born titan, from escaping the Nazis as a child to accumulating hedge fund riches and creating the grantmaking charity network Open Society Foundations. Soros also features a series of sit-down interviews with the man himself, and in one exchange,...he finally breaks his silence on all the wacky conspiracies," reports The Daily Beast.

Dylan is the son of musician Bob Dylan and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Below is the trailer. It looks like the type of documentary that Soros would fund himself.

“The work and people whom George supports strikes at the interests of authoritarians and others who unfairly control freedom and access—whether to employment, education, a way to make a living. These are the forces attacking him,” Dylan told TDB.



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