Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Illegals Committing Thousands and Thousands of Rapes and Murders in This Country."

Dr. Spock emails:

I just resent the following comment to this thread

Wenzel: "These people weren't Trump's bogeymen "rapists and murderers,""

Bogeymen, Bob?

OM used to talk like that and then had to shut up when I posted plenty of documentation that the illegals are, indeed, committing thousands and thousands of rapes and murders in this country.

I posted that here:

Perhaps you need to refresh your memory and then answer the question I've asked before: Why do you have compassion for a person that is in this country illegally and is arrested or deported, but no compassion for the victims and the families of victims murdered, raped or crippled by illegals?

RW response:

Where do you get the idea that I am only compassionate for illegals being deported? I am against all intrusions of the state against the innocent. It is completely bizarre to think that illegals working arduous jobs at chicken processing plants are raping, murdering and crippling people.

And there is no indication that immigrants are coming here in droves to rape, murder and cripple.

It is a Trump bogeymen.


The anecdotal evidence you provide completely ignores the trade-offs of just living. As I have explained, immigrants entering the country raise the general standard of living in the United States.

If you want to eliminate all risk of rape and murder, you would stay in your house, order delivery food and have it slipped through a slot. I doubt you are doing this, so by your actions you admit there are trade-offs between risk and a higher standard of living. As Nowrasteh points out in his clip above, the potential to be exposed to criminal behavior by an illegal is minuscule.



  1. ---"OM used to talk like that and then had to shut up when I posted plenty of documentation that the illegals are, indeed, committing thousands and thousands of rapes and murders in this country."---

    What the hell is that bombastic windbag talking about? He didn't post "plenty of documentation". He posted to some right-wing sites and a few news outlets with nothing more than anecdotes. I reviewed them all and found he found the most tiresome and many times irrelevant information he got from a few minutes of Googling and Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V

    Also, who the hell does he think he is to lump some criminals with a bigger group of people as if they obeyed a single master or were part of a big collective? It's absurd. Two can play that game: I can say that white people are now more dangerous to social peace because of all those nutty white folks murdering innocents in schools or at shopping malls. Wouldn't that be fair based on "Mr. Spock's" own twisted logic?

    Compassion is not something predicated on nation or race but on our own humanity. We should feel compassion for people victimized by the State, because there is much less recourse or defense against an all-powerful State than against some petty criminal, immigrant or not.

  2. Translation: I have never been a victim of a crime committed by an illegal immigrant, therefore I don't care because I like cheap labor.

    1. I haven't been a victim of a crime committed by a white American. By your logic, I shouldn't care when a white American is killed or has his property taken by the State.

    2. I doubt that you do, seeing as how you seem to hate white people in general.

    3. Paul is frightened and wants help from the government. What a commie wuss.

    4. Not white people in general, Paulie. Just white supremacists like you. Which is not saying much since your kind only fits inside a college stadium, per Tucker Carlson.

    5. Who in their right mind doesn't like cheap labor? Is that supposed to be some sort of indictment or accusation?

    6. Hello, Sui-Juris!

      ──"Who in their right mind doesn't like cheap labor?"──

      it isn't about the affordability of their labor. That's just another red herring thrown out there by the W.S.'s (white supremacists) who engage in these meaningless rhetorical games like "them immigruntz commit crimes!" (yeah, and guns kill people, so let's ban guns, wink, wink), "them immigruntz consume welfare!" (they consume government-provided benefits at a lower rate than nationals plus they already pay taxes), and "them immigrutz takum er jebz!" as if your typical corn-fed Bubba is just there waiting for the opportunity for that cow chip picking job at the milk farm. These complaints are red herrings, of course; their real motivation is the president's motivation: Bigotry. Pure and unadulterated. That's what motivated the El Paso shooter.

    7. What wrong Wenzel,do the slave labor comments hit too close to home you hypocrite? It's in the same vein as your stupid calls for legalizing all drugs and then listening to your nonstop whining about the problems of being surrounded by homeless filth who are strung out on drugs. You're not an intellectual, you're a joke.

    8. @Paul Hansen, OM does hate White people even though he is likely one himself. By Leftist standards a White Supremacist is anyone who isn't ashamed of being White. So I guess that makes me a White Supremacist.

  3. Yet the people who are so opposed to immigration on the basis of criminal activity would ask the same entity that rapes them in airports, robs them of their wealth and shoots their dogs to defend them against such.

    1. Indeed they would argue that terrorizing immigrants is the "legitimate" role of the State.

  4. Before they ever left for America, the English and Dutch who laid out our cultural foundations feared invasion by Spanish speaking Catholics in their home countries. When they arrived in America they learned to fear Indians.

    I think the modern discussion about immigration is so irrational with all this rape and pillage nonsense because deep down, the fear of invasion by spanish speaking catholic Indians triggers something ancient that is still there for some stupid reason.

    Mexicans are awesome. I hope more come. My neighborhood needs a good taqeria. The people who are afraid of immigrants are either lazy, stupid or cowardly.

    I'm in a chemical engineering master program. As a white boy, I am in the demographic minority. Plenty of Latinos in the room. Gen 1 cuts grass, gen 2 opens a restaurant, gen 3 does differential equations and thermodynamics.

    Immigration Alarmism is just Global Warming for republicans.

    1. Sounds like you're taking a similar path as I did. Just wait until you're paying the high taxes too. You might begin thinking a wee bit differently when the flow of people needing help seems endless and you're considered a bad person for not working full time for their benefit. You may want to oh start doing something like turning off the wealth tap first. But by then it will probably be too late.

    2. I've lived in California or Texas all my life. There's Mexicans everywhere. I do not see what the problem is. I have worked a wide array of blue collar joe jobs alongside immigrants and local whiteboys. The immigrants work hard and don't bitch. The white boys lollygag and whine for their breaks. There's no contest.

      White people have anxiety about immigrants because poor immigrants work hard, form families and have children while even upper class white kids struggle to get their shit together and settle down. White people are projecting their insecurity about their own fertility onto the fertile, plucky newcomers. Boomers are pissed at immigrants because their own children are losers. It is the hatred of the dead for the living.

    3. I wrote a detailed reply but its far too long and you won't pay much attention to it anyway. It all comes down to this, just wait until you're in industry for awhile and you're working hard for long hours basically so other people can live. When you figure out what H1B does to salaries. And it's not the immigrants being here that cause the problem but the rules of H1B.

      Fertility, again, just wait until you find out you just can't afford the wife and kids after taxes to the letter of the law. Or maybe just how much it costs so you can have maybe one kid but not six.

      Anyway, eventually you're going to see the need very personally that the wealth transfers need to stop.

    4. How did uncontrolled immigration work out for the indians?

    5. Hello, Jimmy,

      Stop writing long screeds trying to show why your lumping-of-labor fallacy makes sense to you. H1B visas don't affect 'salaries'. The number of visas issued by government per year (by lottery) is minuscule compared to the number of jobs opened each MONTH in the US. And I don;t understand what does 'fertility' have to do with anything. I am thinking you assume that immigrants just lay down and receive money from the government, which is evidence of backward thinking. There's no empirical evidence to support that notion, so I will venture a not-so-risky guess and say that you're paranoid and delusional.

    6. Mr. Torres er Old Mexican, it's amazing how you come out to defend government interference in the market. Why do you defend H1B? Because it fits your actual agenda. You also name call instead of making rational arguments. If you are correct and immigrants do not receive the products of taxes after the political class takes a big cut then why does it bother you so that I want to get rid of the programs? Simply get rid of them. It shouldn't matter then, should it? But of course it matters, which is why you wrote as you did above.

      Time and time again you chime in to defend the status quo programs. You're a statist Mr. Torres. A left statist. The leftist argument of how those with 'so much' should give 'so little' to others.

      I didn't introduce the fertility topic, Donxon did. What I mentioned is the experience he is heading towards, so of course you wouldn't understand.

  5. RW: "Immigrants entering the country raise the general standard of living in the US." So are you a libertarian for ethical reasons (NAP violations), or utilitarian reasons (because you like its effects)?

    1. I can tell you, W.S., that I'm a libertarian for selfish reasons.

    2. So are you okay with someone else using the same moral code that you uphold, and being a white nationalist for selfish reasons?

    3. You can be a white supremacist all the time if that's what you want. That's your right. What you have no right to is to put yourself (or ask the State to put itself) between two individuals engwging in peaceful trade---the national and the immigrant, only because you are scared of brown people.

    4. Are you a mexican supremacist?

    5. Hello, Limelemon,
      ──"Are you a mexican supremacist??──

      I'm a Human supremacist, limelemon──I believe Humans are the measure of all things, except our lord Jesus Christ. You're just a lowly white supremacist; your kind fits inside a college stadium if one believes Tucker Carlson's quip. You're a pathetic nothing.

    6. If you care about humans then you would oppose the mexicans from entering this country and voting for more government. Being a libertarian means opposing any increases in statism. I think you're biased towards mexicans and therefore you're racist.

    7. Hello, limelemon,

      ──"If you care about humans"──

      A lot. They're my favorite species.

      ──"you would oppose the mexicans from entering this country[...]"──

      I don't know "mexicans". I know humans. And I don't negotiate with white supremacists, limelemon. It's a longstanding policy among us moral people.

    8. You're running away from our debate, because you lost. Your bias is obvious for everyone to see.

  6. Bob: “Dr. Spock emails: I just resent the following comment to this thread”

    First, it’s Mr. Spock, not Dr. (that’s the baby doctor – unless you were being funny, in which case, that’s ok.) Second, I should have hyphenated re-sent.

    “Where do you get the idea that I am only compassionate for illegals being deported?”

    Because that’s all I ever see. I don’t recall (please correct me if I’m wrong) seeing any articles about any of the thousands and thousands (apparently you, OM, and others think those numbers don’t exist –we’ll come back to that) of rapes and murders (to say nothing of people crippled by drunk drivers, assault, burglary, kidnapping, theft, etc.) that have been committed against Americans, but you repeatedly post articles about poor illegals being deported.

    “And there is no indication that immigrants are coming here in droves to rape, murder and cripple.”

    I think thousands and thousands and thousands of documented crimes count as droves.

    “The anecdotal evidence you provide completely ignores the trade-offs of just living.”
    Not anecdotal. Again, we’ll come back to the numbers/documentation in a few moments.

    “As Nowrasteh points out in his clip above, the potential to be exposed to criminal behavior by an illegal is minuscule.”

    It is not. Thousands and thousands and thousands of murders, rapes, etc. is not miniscule. Tell that to the families of the loved ones who have perished or had their lives permanently shattered. Deaths and rapes that could have been prevented.

    OM quoting me: "OM used to talk like that and then had to shut up when I posted plenty of documentation that the illegals are, indeed, committing thousands and thousands of rapes and murders in this country."---

    “What the hell is that bombastic windbag talking about?” and “who the hell does he think he is”

    Speaking of bombastic windbags.

    “He didn't post "plenty of documentation".”

    Actually, I did, and again, I’m saving the numbers for the end to get my comments out of the way.

    “He posted to some right-wing sites and a few news outlets with nothing more than anecdotes.”

    More baloney from the king of it. What I said at the time, and still applies:

    Me: No refutation of any of the many links I posted – just ridicule one [Breitbart] and hope people don’t notice he can’t dispute the facts.

    OM:Fact check──yes, thousands of Americans have been killed by running vehicles. Deport all vehicles!

    Me: What an idiot. Cars (like guns) don’t kill people – people kill people. But I don't want illegal drunk drivers deported. I want them executed. [drunk drivers that kill people, no matter what "race", e.g., this guy, who, oh look, is not a Mexican

    OM: Saying that THOUSANDS of people wouldn't have suffered "X" or "Y" if we only stopped "illegulz" at the border blah, blah, blah…

    “"How many thousands? Thousands upon thousands!" and other paranoid fantasies.:””

    “You hear one or two stories promoted on Fox News and you extrapolate that to mean "thousands and thousands" in your mind.”

    Me: Again no refutation, just moronic arguments. OM says there’s no evidence of the thousands upon thousands of violent crimes committed by illegals (which he can’t even spell – maybe he’s one of those low IQ people) and there are only one or two. And he refuses to look at the evidence.

    That's what I said the last time, and then I provided the evidence (which I will repeat in a moment.) (continued)

    1. "Thousands and thousands and thousands of murders, rapes, etc. is not minuscule."

      It is compared to the hundreds of thousands of murders, rapes etc. committed by the native-born in the same time-frame. You are again merely spewing non-contextualized statistics tiresomely. You keep doing it to prove some point despite the obvious intent, which is to smear a big group of people through a fallacy of composition. I can play that same game and argue that white people are a danger to society based on the spectacular shootings committed by some crazy guys who happen to be white, all while huffing and puffing and tearing my clothes in righteous indignation like you're doing. Stop making a fool of yourself, "Mister Spock".

    2. OM: I can play that same game and argue that white people are a danger to society based on the spectacular shootings committed by some crazy guys who happen to be white

      Once again, OM shows his hatred of white people by attempting to perpetuate the left-wing myth that the mass shooters are predominantly white. There is a picture going around of all the people charged with or arrested for shooting 4+ people in one incident in 2019. It's not even close to being predominantly white.

      Even OM's left-wing buddies at Snopes had to admit it was truthful, but then tried to explain it away be saying it would be different with a different definition of a mass shooting.

      But OM doesn't care about truth - he hates white people and calls rape and murder petty crimes and the victims killed or raped by illegals tiresome and irrelevant. What a loser.

  7. OM: I reviewed them all [oh, sure he did - Spock] and found he found the most tiresome and many times irrelevant information

    Yeah, dead people killed by illegals are so tiresome and irrelevant. They just get in the way, don’t they? Again, notice not a single refutation, like they really weren’t dead, they really weren’t killed by an illegal, etc. Just his unsupported opinion that dead people are tiresome and irrelevant.

    “Compassion is not something predicated on nation or race but on our own humanity. We should feel compassion for people victimized by the State, because there is much less recourse or defense against an all-powerful State than against some petty criminal, immigrant or not.”

    Murderers and rapists are petty criminals according to OM. What a pathetic piece of crap he is. And notice that he justifies rapes and murders that could have been prevented by saying that the State is the real bad guy, so please excuse the people that are here killing Americans - that probably wouldn’t happen if we had less of a police state. (btw, he at least gets it right that the State is the bad guy – see this recent article by John Whitehead

    Donxon: I think the modern discussion about immigration is so irrational with all this rape and pillage nonsense

    Another who has no problem with thousands and thousands of Americans being killed, raped, robbed, etc. He has such a low value on human life that he calls it “rape and pillage nonsense.” What a pathetic person. (continued)

    1. Hey, pathological liar: I never said murder and rape are petty crimes. Never even suggested it.

  8. And now, finally (and I’m sorry that this takes up so much space and so many parts, but there is a lot to refute and some rather lengthy quotes from the other thread), here is the documentation I provided in that other thread that is much, much more than anecdotal. From

    And just so we know that OM’s idiotic claim that aliens have only killed one or two people as opposed to thousands, let’s take a quick look at just two websites that show he’s lying through his teeth, as usual.

    The Texas Department of Public Safety tells us

    "Between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2019, these 197,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 309,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 561 homicide charges; 34,206 assault charges; 5,930 burglary charges; 39,034 drug charges; 439 kidnapping charges; 16,523 theft charges; 24,653 obstructing police charges; 1,730 robbery charges; 3,657 sexual assault charges; 4,878 sexual offense charges; and 3,120 weapon charges."

    It's a lengthy article - read it all. Later in the report, we are told

    From 2011 to date, the Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has provided DPS with information on more than 27,000 individuals who were identified by DHS as in the country illegally while they were incarcerated at TDCJ. 10,348 of these individuals were not identified through the PEP program at the time of their arrest. DPS does not know the current incarceration status of the individuals identified while they were incarcerated nor when their alien status was initially determined. Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 10,348 individual identified as illegal aliens while in prison, were charged with more than 47,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,931 homicide charges; 5,562 assault charges; 3,643 burglary charges; 6,717 drug charges; 339 kidnapping charges; 2,676 theft charges; 3,701 obstructing police charges; 2,433 robbery charges; 2,959 sexual assault charges; 1,152 sexual offense charges; and 1,577 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 25,000 convictions including 1,141 homicide convictions; 2,813 assault convictions; 1,973 burglary convictions; 3,930 drug convictions; 147 kidnapping convictions; 1,268 theft convictions; 1,683 obstructing police convictions; 1,638 robbery convictions; 1,892 sexual assault convictions; 704 sexual offense convictions; and 622 weapon convictions.

    There's 1141 CONVICTIONS just for homicide in Texas alone for about 8 years alone.

    The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released its annual report on deportations for Fiscal Year 2018. Look at the chart - there were 1,641 convictions for homicide. One year.

    Thousands and thousands and thousands stands. Not anecdotal. Pathetic that people make excuses for this carnage and have no compassion for the victims. Especially when it all could have been prevented.

    1. Hey, pathological liar: I never made the claim that only one or two people have been killed by immigrants. What I correctly point out is the fact that immigrants, even those "illegulz" who scare you senseless, commit crimes at a much lower rate than the native-born. Those same statistics you cited from the Texas Department of Public Safety, when placed in context, shows this. Texas is the omly state that keeps thorough records of the immigration status of those arrested and those statistics show what I said above, even in a state with a high number of immigrants (legal and undocumented): immigrants are more law-abiding that your run-of-the-mill America-born corn-fed Bubba.


      I don't usually argue with liars and bloviators such as you, but I made an exception because you dared lie about what I say. I will tell you this since you also dared to smear my character: Advocating for purging millions of hard-working immigrants, undocumented or not, is **not** equivalent to "showing compassion for victims" of crime committed by a few individuals who happen to be immigrants, the same way that hypocritically advocating for gun control is **not** the same as showing "compassion" for victims of violence committed by gunmen---the implication being that not being for gun control or immigration control makes me an evil person. The very reason why I say your spewing of unrelated or non-contextualized statistics is tiresome is because it's the result of a tactic favored by gun-grabbers and, of course, nativists like you who cower in fear under his bed at the sight of Latinos working and having families. You are the one who is pathetic and beyond contempt.

    2. OM: Hey, pathological liar: I never said murder and rape are petty crimes. Never even suggested it.

      Yes, you did. I quoted it a few paragraphs above. I see you are following Goebbel's maxim of telling a lie over and over hoping it becomes a "fact" in the minds of the readers here. The liar, from the beginning, is you.

      "Hey, pathological liar: I never made the claim that only one or two people have been killed by immigrants."

      Again, yes you did. And you will again in just a few sentences. It is your nature to lie so you can't even see it in yourself. But others can. I'm sure you are sitting there with your pants on fire, unable to control yourself. Lies or ad hominem - it's your way.

      "What I correctly point out is the fact that immigrants, even those "illegulz" who scare you senseless, commit crimes at a much lower rate than the native-born."

      I pointed out in the other thread that the rate is irrelevant. Yet you continue to use that over and over, including here. People are dead. People that should still be living. But you seem to think that as long as the illegals keep their crime "rate" below the rates of crime committed by citizens that you can justify murder and rape that way. You are a despicable human being that lies about, and justifies with specious arguments, the deaths, rapes, and other violent crimes committed by the illegals.

      "I don't usually argue with liars and bloviators such as you, but I made an exception because you dared lie about what I say."

      Ooooh. I'm ascared.

      "I will tell you this since you also dared to smear my character"

      Ooooh, still scared. I'm not sure you have any character, though, but any smearing was done by your own self.

      "Advocating for purging millions of hard-working immigrants, undocumented or not, is **not** equivalent to "showing compassion for victims" of crime committed by a few individuals who happen to be immigrants"

      "A few." There it is again. Yet you tell us, "I never made the claim that only one or two people have been killed by immigrants." Yes, you did. You just did it again, unless your definition of a few is many thousands. But that can't be right, because you told us that hasn't happened. In the other post, you said, “"How many thousands? Thousands upon thousands!" and other paranoid fantasies.:””

      “You hear one or two stories promoted on Fox News and you extrapolate that to mean "thousands and thousands" in your mind.”

      There it is again. One or two. Lying is your most common character trait, isn't it? Actually, lack of character. (continued)

    3. "The very reason why I say your spewing of unrelated or non-contextualized statistics is tiresome..."

      Spewing. I'm surprised you took so long to use that word. The mark of a master wordsmith. And more blah, blah, blah. You have no answer so you lie and use ad hominem hoping no one will notice the emperor has no clothes. Again, leaving out all the other crimes, just looking at rape and murder, you choose to say there have been only one or two, and all those innocent people that were raped or murdered are tiresome and irrelevant. The bottom line is that you are a sick, pathetic person with his chest all puffed out strutting around like a banty rooster, when in fact, you are a puny little man of no character who justifies the worst that man can do to his fellow man (and women.)

      Below are a few websites that document just a fraction of the people killed by illegal aliens. (Way more than your one or two.) Why don't you go to their families and tell them how tiresome and irrelevant their dead family members are and that you are tired of hearing about them. I'm sure it won't take long for someone to beat the crap out of you, as you deserve.

    4. How many of the immigrants who did not commit these crimes should be attacked, kidnapped and locked in a cage? Have you no compassion for the victims, when this could all be avoided?

    5. @Donxon This is where discrimination comes in handy. It doesn't matter that 95% of moslems are not suicide bombing terrorists, it matters that 95% of suicide bombing terrorists are moslem. If you want to drastically lower the chances of suicide bombing terrorism in your country, you expel moslems.

    6. ──"This is where discrimination comes in handy."──

      Hey, white supremacist, that can go either way. As I pointed above, I man make the case that 100% of all white supremacist terrorists are white, therefore whites should be expelled.

    7. You'd still follow us wherever we go because you and your people are incapable of making societies as nice as ours, hence the reason you left Mexico for a white country.

    8. This is so stupid. How many innocent people are prepared to attack because melanin gives you the willies? You sound like one of the wimpy little leftists who want to threaten their neighbors because they have anxiety about the weather.

      You're just a violent lunatic with a story.

    9. You sound like antifa. Why don't you try making an actual argument instead of name calling?

    10. Cry Harder Polly. Cure my meats with the salt of your tears.

      Sir, you are proposing arbitrary violence against innocent people, including women and children, and the only "argument" you present is that you experience anxiety when confronted with high levels of melanin. That's completely insane, cowardly and evil. Exactly what courtesy do you think I owe you in wake of such a proposition? Your mother should smack you for talking like that.

      Locking up peaceful people who clean and chop chicken all day is evil in addition to being crazy and stupid. Are you worried we'll have too much food or something?

      If a rape or murder occurs, find the person who did it and lock him in a cage, but leave everyone else alone you lunatic.

    11. Arbitrary: ADJECTIVE based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

      Nope. I'm proposing enforcing current law and expelling those who have broken the law. Very simple.

    12. King George just wanted current law enforced. Real Americans know that defiance is the only appropriate response to government impediments to free markets. My only complaint about immigrants is that sometimes they dont being their own guns.

      Are you a redcoat or just a tightwad rule-worshipping dork?

      Did The United States gain "sovereignty" over California and the rest of the Southwest by following "existing law"?

      The State is a criminal enterprise. The immigrants want to mow my lawn and wash my car. Any libertarian or even just a real American who loves freedom should be able to figure out whose side to take.

      You just hate freedom and America. You're afraid of immigrants and want to the government to believe your anxiety by tyrranizing innocent people. It really is shameful and reveals an ugly soul. You're making all the eagles cry.

      Are you a commie or a wuss or just a square little dorkling with emotional insecurity driven control issues?

    13. @Donxon
      Let me try my hand at false dichotomies; are you retarded or do you not understand the English language and logic?

  9. Astonishing, how much respect and legitimacy people nowadays give to government licensing (i.e. permission): License to travel (immigration regulation), license to self-defense (conceal-carry regulation), license to drive a car, go fishing or hunting, engage in an occupation, and so on and so forth. Even (faux) libertarians are doing it, as we see at this site just about every day. Pathetic.

  10. RW is a typical libertardian like Jacob Hornberger who thinks it's great to absorb the world's refuse and bring in hostile populations that have an overall consistent record of failure and come from failed societies. It does not affect him personally, so he does not care and also he can't see past his open border 'all cultures are equal' stupidity.

    Donxon shows his usual idiocy; maybe we could bring some H1's to replace him for less money and he could do the training. I'm sure he can find a job at McDonald's or something to replace that engineering job with the same income.

    1. Its called the free market and only losers like you whine about it. Why are you so incompetent? Do you need help from the government? You sound like a frightened child.

      He's not even a man, this guy.

    2. Hello, TLM,

      ──"It does not affect him personally[...]"──

      How has immigration affected YOU personally? Why are you accusing others of insincerity when it is you who is making outrageous claims about people you have never met in your life? And who here is saying that all cultures are equal? An objective truth any of us serious and moral individuals (i.e. libertarians, which means: not you) can defend is that all human beings are born with the same rights Our Creator endowed us with. Whether you like it or not, the immigrant woman cleaning the restrooms in the building where I work has the same rights and deserves the same consideration, respect and deference as I do. As for that weird curse you want to place on Doxon, your mind seems to operate from the delusion that a job is something you possess, but this is not true. Jobs belong to employers. It's their money, their investment, not yours.

    3. You'll soon learn it is not a free market. If they wanted a free market there wouldn't be an H1B visa program at all. H1B is designed to suppress engineering salaries through its rules. Would open borders result in more wage competition in engineering fields? Probably not, otherwise corporations would have the laws changed to get close to that for engineers.

    4. Hello, Jimmy!
      ──"You'll soon learn it is not a free market."──

      What on earth made you think that the notion you just posited means employers don't own the jobs they buy with their own money? Maybe if you stopped arguing with clichés and started to think more, you would see the need for saying something less boring.

    5. Mr. Torres er OM when are you going to learn to have an honest discussion? I didn't write a single thing about employers owning jobs or whatever you're babbling about. I wrote about government interference in the marketplace for engineers. You are obviously in favor of government interference in this market place. I am not. You claim to be libertarian but you on reflex time and time again chime in to defend government practices that hurt people born in the USA like H1B. H1B hurts immigrants too but you don't seem to mind that. Why? Do you think they can't compete in the free market and thus need programs like H1B?

    6. Yeah, I"m sure those Disney IT workers think it's great they had to train their replacements. Donxon is a cowardly dope like others here who has views that would be destructive to any decent civilization. The push to give greencards to Indian IT workers is the latest stab in the back cheered by libertarians. Pathetic!!!

    7. "How has immigration affected YOU personally? Why are you accusing others of insincerity when it is you who is making outrageous claims about people you have never met in your life?"

      Yes OM, I am negatively impacted by legal and illegal immigration. Both have been a colossal failure and now there is even less chance for limited government future short of a civilization collapse with no telling how that will work out.

      Maybe you libertardians could come down to South Texas and West Texas during cotton season and ask those Mexican American gin workers whether a couple million central Americans would be great - or not. I'm sure they would be persuaded by your arguments of 'cheap labor' and would like to compete to the lowest dollar possible for those jobs.

    8. Lab Manager doesn't understand economics and is using his confusion as an excuse for arbitrarily assaulting people. His are clearly the ravings of a crazy person who has lost more than just his wife. It be hilarious when he gets committed and some sweet little Mexican lady has to feed him.


      He's just a plant sent here to piss in the pool. If anyone ever wants to discredit anyone who frequents this site, you can bet that quotes from Lab Manager will be scrolled across the screen.

      Lab Manager is either pretending to be an incel, or is one for real. Maybe both?

    9. Aaaaaaaaaaaand Lab Manager buggers off leaving only the sweet smell of bacon behind.

      What a tool.

    10. PURE GOLD, Donxon: "...the ravings of a crazy person who has lost more than just his wife. It be hilarious when he gets committed and some sweet little Mexican lady has to feed him."
      LOVE IT! HA HA.

  11. "How did uncontrolled immigration work out for the indians?"

    Is the most astute comment made in this thread. Who is in line to suffer the most from uncontrolled immigration? The 90% who arent already a member of the Oligarchy

    1. How did controlled immigration work out for Sentinelese?

      This is ridiculous.

      If immigrants are greeted with secure property rights, enforceable contracts, low taxes, simple regulations, predictable courts and rule of law.... the will adapt and become Americans and we will all benefit from their productivity.

      If we treat them like cattle, maybe not.

    2. And how do they follow the simple regulation of not coming across the border without going through the proper checkpoints? If they can't follow such a simple rule, why should it be assumed they will follow anything else?

    3. I want people in America who scoff at stupid government regulations. Real Americans climb over government fences. Extra points if they bring their own guns and defy stupid labor laws and dodge taxes. Thems be real Americans. You sound like a Redcoat. Go back to England.

    4. By all means, please be a 'real American' and go jump the White House fence and tell Drumpf what you think of him.
