Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Some Background on the Priest Who Denied Joe Biden Holy Communion

Father Robert Morey
Democratic presidential candidate front-runner Joe Biden was denied Holy Communion by a priest at a South Carolina Catholic church over the weekend.

“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Father Morey told the South Carolina Morning News in a statement.

“Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching.”

“I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers,” Morey said in the statement.

Martin Hill emails:

This is wild, but I had to share.

I opened my phone this morning & Google recommended the top story about Biden. I was so shocked,  

WOW, we know this priest!!

Fr. Robert Morey is pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Florence SC http://saintanthony.com 
Fr. Morey denied former U.S. Vice President & current Democratic presidential candidate front-runner Joe Biden
Holy Communion on Sunday, because Biden is an abortionist.

Fr. Morey is a very holy & humble priest, he converted to Catholicism after a career as a lawyer & judge.

My wife & I spent 2 weeks in Florence earlier this year & went to daily Mass & Eucharistic Adoration at St. Anthony. Fr. Morey also says 1 Latin Mass on Sunday.  They have a beautiful Eucharistic Adoration Chapel that is more busy with worshippers than most all big churches we've been to across the country. We've  been to many hundreds of Catholic churches across the country but this parish stood out.

He is very humble, pious & a good shepherd to his flock. I even went to confession to him. He's very hospitable & welcoming to strangers  , as is the entire small parish. Many of the parishioners are converts... which to me, coming from an Italian Catholic background,  was wild & very different  than  any parish I'd ever visited.  Being  SC it's not a Catholic area & not many Catholic churches around. It's a very small humble church,  I'm surprised Biden even went there.

 Pray for Fr. Morey,I know he will not back down.

Fr. Morey's refusal to give Biden Holy Communion has made international  news today because unfortunately,  such public repercussions are very rare.

We actually took a selfie  with him, 😁 but I take so many photos that I haven't found it yet. Pic of him attached [posted above].
Regardless of your religious beliefs, you have to appreciate what was done. There are so few who are willing to stand on principle these days, especially when coming up face-to-face against a powerful politician in the spotlight.

Bravo to Fr. Morey for showing us how it is done.


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