Wednesday, June 15, 2016

An Exchange on Tom Plamer, Gays, Guns and Islamic Homophobes Coming to Kill Us

The following exchange took place between Michael Edelstein, Walter Block and me.

From Michael Edelstein:

Subject: Excellent: Tom Palmer on Orlando 

From Robert Wenzel:

The last paragraph is terrible.

From Walter Block:

This is the last paragraph, no?

ISIS has been killing gay people in Syria and Iraq in the most gruesome of ways. Now they’ve targeted America, and gay people are high on their list of people to slaughter. If they’re coming for us, I, for one, want to be ready. They say that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. That’s too long for me to wait. It’s time to stop inviting killers to legally mandated gun-free murder zones.

Why is it terrible?


From Robert Wenzel:

" Now they’ve targeted America, and gay people are high on their list of people to slaughter. If they’re coming for us, I, for one, want to be ready. "

This is absurd. Outside of a couple of nutjobs jacked up by war rhetoric on both sides there is no group coming for gays or anybody else.


From Michael Edelstein:

Walter, Bob’s criticism makes sense to me. You?


From Walter Block:

I don’t think its crazy to say that isil is coming for us

Part 2 of the exchange here


  1. You're debating a non-sequitur. The issue isn't ISIS, nor whomever is coming to kill "us." This is the problem with "war" and "terrorism" and the "war on terrorism." Murder is murder. State acts of war impart a legitimacy on something that doesn't exist. We've created a schism in our culture.

    We live in fear because of this dichotomy and the fact that us humans currently have relinquished too much individual power to the state. The state, in turn, abuses that power and fear-mongers in order to gain yet more power. The less powerful the individual, the more fear, and the more powerful the state. This is the cycle of violence our country is currently embroiled in.

    It's much bigger than just firearms or gun-free zones. It's the age-old tactic of divide and conquer.

    You can't fix the problem if they've got you focusing on the wrong questions. Why is there almost always some three-letter state agency that has either directly enabled an individual to perform some act of mass-murder, or through an act of incompetence that only unaccountable, publicly tax-funded state agencies are capable of, that person was investigated, yet slipped through the cracks?

    Then ask what are the origins of ISIS and Al-Qaeda? They were born from a U.S. foreign policy that is almost literally "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." This is regardless of who they are, what they stand for, nor the innocents caught in the middle. It is a policy without thought for future outcomes nor ramifications. It is solely a narcissistic policy based on the US Government interests at that point in time, currently influenced around the Wolfowitz doctrine -- pre-emptive military action to suppress potential "threats" from other nations and prevent any other nation from rising to superpower status.

    The article misses the point. We're the pot calling the kettle black. How can we expect our own government to respect our right to self-defense when it doesn't care about anything other than power consolidation both domestically and abroad?

  2. You will never concede any threat until you are fighting for your own life, Robert Wenzel. In this you are like the liberal that dismisses the high levels of crime by certain minority groups until they are actually mugged that beaten.

    It would be one thing if they were just doing their own thing in their own country, but that isn't the case. The US government is actively bringing them here.

  3. The goal given to Muslims in the holy books is make everyone everywhere subject to Islamic law. Violence by some is one strategy. The other is emigrate, outbreed the native population, form a politically significant voting block and demand concessions.
    It is an ideology which is incompatible with the West. The more of them that Hillary imports, the more we will have tribal conflict.
