Thursday, July 16, 2015

RED STATE: What the Hell Happened to Rand Paul?

Now, Erick Erickson at Red State notices Rand's strategic blunders:
Here is the guy who should be doing some cross-party fusion. He rallied a lot of Americans in bipartisan fashion on national security. He seemed to be playing his cards right. And . . . ? Bernie Sanders is kicking his butt in campaign fundraising. In fact, I dare say Sanders froze Paul’s chance at fusion. All the little rich libertine millennials that Paul was counting on, instead got excited for Sanders. But I am still really surprised by this.

Paul only raised $6.9 million. Ben Carson raised $10.6. And that is money raised by the candidate, not the Super PAC. The fact that a guy like Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) 84%, Mister Individualist, is having to depend on two outside Super PACs to raise money for him — and neither have released totals yet — is really surprising....

The blunt fact of the matter is that between Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , it turns out the base loves Cruz more. Cruz raised $14.3 million to Paul’s $6.9 million, excluding SuperPAC dollars. Cruz is second in the GOP race, behind Bush, with Super PAC dollars and it does not seem Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)  will beat him when his Super PACs finally show what they raised.

I am genuinely surprised by this. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) should be doing much better. He actually has a good story. He actually has positions that set him apart from the GOP field. He has a built in base of support from his father. But remarkably it appears Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will be less a factor on 2016 than his dad was in 2012. I really never expected that. And not only that, if you pay attention to the campaign schedule, Paul is marching to the beat of his own drummer in ways that suggest the drummer isn’t really headed toward the White House. Michigan? Really?

What the hell happened?


  1. Red State is an establishment RNC mouthpiece, and a shill for the same corrupt frauds who perpetrated the most eggregious deception in recent election cycles with their corruption of the 08 and 012 nominations. There is volumes of first hand witness to the RNC nominating delegates from the podium, closing events where they knew Ron Paul had secured a majority of delegates, and tolerating the distribution of fake delegate slates by Romney operatives in both Maine and Nevada.

  2. Erickson is a clown, he prides himself on being a conservative tough guy but gets his panties over Trump going after Kelly, paper tiger is more like it. He also shows his ignorance of Ron Paul's youth base, who would never support a socialist like Sanders but it's telling on how bad Rand is that even the conservative media is noticing it.

  3. Schadenfreude disguised as (poor) analysis. So surprised! Sure. If Rand wasn't self destructing they would run the canned hatchet piece instead.
