Thursday, July 16, 2015

ESQUIRE: Is Rand Paul Really a Different Kind of Republican?

Following in my steps and those of Rupert Murdoch, Charles Pierce at Esquire notices that Rand is blowing it by going establishment:
Brogressive man-crush Senator Aqua Buddha of Kentucky has been having a rough time of it these days. Like every other Republican -- except, possibly, Jeb (!) -- he's starving for oxygen now that a Republican candidate with even stranger hair has sucked most of it out of the campaign. The only thing he has going for him is, of course, that he is a Different Kind of Republican Who Can Speak To The Young And (also, too) Weed!

Except, of course, that this was primarily hype centered around a couple of legislative freak shows and, recently, probably because he's struggling to be heard over Trumpapalooza like the rest of them are. This week, he's demonstrated that he's willing to screech in close harmony with the other 15 caterwaulers. 
First of all, Paul demonstrated he's a different kind of Republican on foreign policy by saying the same things about the Iran deal that every single one of his fellow candidates have said...

The hell of it all is, there might even be room for a genuine libertarian candidate on the Republican side, as much as there is room for Bernie Sanders among the Democrats. It certainly would make the campaign more interesting. But this hopelessly dim fellow is not that person.


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