Friday, May 29, 2015

But Reagan did it....

By Chris Rossini

Yesterday, I provided a small snapshot of Republicans putting on their usual campaign BS routines. When they're running for office, they're going to repeal everything. Of course, they never do.

Here's a good of what happens 'after the campaign BS' is over. Ohio Governor John Kasich was questioned by Jake Tapper about his supposed anti-Obamacare position:
“First of all, I don’t support Obamacare; I want to repeal it,” Kasich said. “But I did expand Medicaid because I was able to bring Ohio money back home to treat the mentally ill, the drug addicted and help the working poor get health care.”

When Tapper pointed out the Medicaid expansion was a key part of Obamacare, Kasich name-checked popular conservative President Ronald Reagan in defending his move.

“Listen, Ronald Reagan expanded Medicaid, Jake,” he said, claiming that “expanding Medicaid is a separate issue.”
Ahhh, but Reagan did it. That absolves everything.

Reagan, of course, is the Republican Party model for bamboozling the public. Talk about limited government, talk about rolling back leviathan, yet in practice grow government like a weed that strangles everyone's liberty.

Republicans have mastered the process.


  1. I remember back to the Harry Browne campaign (Libertarian, of course). In one ad, he had a wrecking ball taking out the IRS. Now THAT guy, I believed!

  2. Reagan is such a statist fraud but it's laughable to so many conservatives bring him up when talking about liberty.
