Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bamboozle-Palooza Is The Greatest Show On Earth!

By Chris Rossini

Here they come:

Yeah, sure he will.

Here's another funny one:

Everybody's abolishing everything!

Bamboozle-Palooza is the greatest show on Earth!


  1. Ha!

    You'd think Huckabee having been a pastor, would have been afraid of being struck by lightning or being eternally damned for trying to deceive so many sheeple.

  2. Bamboozle-Palooza... I like that. I remember reading about how Henry Mencken would laugh uproariously and slap his thighs as he wrote commmentary while he was attending campaign events. HLM called the rube hustling show of the politicians "Boob Bumping".

    HLM would be cackling out loud right now if he could see the shines being cut by the current crop of boob-bumping charlatans.
