Monday, December 15, 2014

Rand Paul Insulted the Business Lobby in June, But Starred in Their Ads in October. (Because He Was Willing to Help Siphon Votes Away from Libertarian Candidates)

The National Journal explains:
As the summer ended, the Chamber of Commerce was dialing up Paul with a request of its own.

Two of the most contested Senate contests of the cycle—Alaska and North Carolina—were virtual dead heats and polling from the chamber and others showed that Libertarians in both states were siphoning off sizable chunks of potential GOP voters. In North Carolina, a Libertarian pizza delivery guy had topped 10 percent in some surveys. The chamber wanted to recruit the libertarian-leaning Paul to film ads endorsing the Republican nominees to cut into that support.

(ht Keith)

1 comment:

  1. So, Randy's a loyal GOP member. Who'd a thunk it? I wonder how many libertarians are regretting falling for his "libertarian leaning" act during his campaign for headless nail #2 in Kentucky.
