NY Governor Cuomo did a quick reversal with regards to quarantines.
The New York Times reports:
Facing fierce resistance from the White House and medical experts to a strict new mandatory quarantine policy, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Sunday night that medical workers who had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa but did not show symptoms of the disease would be allowed to remain at home and would receive compensation for lost income.It doesn't matter if Governors make a (rare) sensible decision....There's no going over the head of the federal government. There's no questioning their authority and 'expertise'. And most important, there is never to be a 'lack of faith'.
The federal government can botch and embarrass itself without end. Governors are just middle-managers at best. There is to be no level-jumping of the Emperor and his many Czars.
Quinn will quietly drop Illinois's quarantine requirement.
No surprise as Cuomo is after all is a POLITICIAN.. However, it does concern me that professionals in the health care industry are so thoughtless. If Ebola does in fact sometimes have an incubation period of 21 or 27 days, it would seem prudent to self quarantine if exposed to people with the disease. Whatever happen to "first do no harm"?
ReplyDeleteUPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! Quin's republican challenger Bruce Rauner wants a travel ban from anybody from West Africa.so Ebola who has not infected anyone in Illinois is an "election issue" not its massive debts or corruption or anything. Ebola.