Sunday, April 11, 2021

Trained-Marxist BLM Co-Founder Goes on Crazed Multi-Million Dollar House Buying Spree

Patrisse Cullors

Oh, Mama!

Self-described 'trained Marxist' and co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors, is cashing in capitalist-style on her hustle. 

She has bought 4 homes in the United States for a total of $3.2 million and, according to The New York Post, "eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes...Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent."

According to The Dirt, one of the U.S. houses she bought is "a secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon [that] was recently sold for a tad more than $1.4 million to a corporate entity that public records show is controlled by Patrisse Khan-Cullors." The property has a separate guest cabin.

The census demographics for the area show 88 percent of residents are white and 1.8 percent black.

Her other homes are owned jointly with her lesbian lover Janaya Khan.

In her memoir, Cullors wrote that she became a Marxist at an early age,“It started the year I turned twelve. That was the year that I learned that being black and poor defined me more than being bright and hopeful and ready.”

Of course, her wealth, a combination of her BLM leadership (BLM took in $90 million last year, her book deals and movie production deals, proves the Kirznerian point that contra-Marx you don't need to start off with wealth to accumulate wealth.

She is obviously living a Kirznerian lifestyle, not a Marxist lifestyle---at the same time she is making money by denying the Kirznerian lifestyle is accessible to blacks. As the Marxists would say, "Talk about an internal contradiction!"



  1. If there is a sucker born every minute, then how often must a charlatan be born?

  2. These idiots wanna be Marxists AND party on the big boat of capitalism. Surely, they can be defeated. I ain’t skeered (to borrow a phrase from the now distant 1990s).

  3. Marxism is a luxury good that only the wealthy can afford.

  4. The term having a day job is going to turn into your "day persona" Need to get some addresses and show up at her house and protest BLM style.

  5. Now that she's got a few cribs in some very high-end, exclusive neighborhoods, will she be changing that L.A. area-code tattoo on her chest to a different number? I doubt it, as that would harm her sill notion of "street cred."
