Sunday, April 11, 2021

Massive Canadian Police Presence to Stop Religious Worshippers From Gathering

 First the worshippers:

Then the police: And the skirmish: At this point, visible authoritarianism is much greater in Canada than in the United States.



  1. This provides a stunning visual for who the State regards as its true enemies.

  2. tell me about it. I live in a condo in downtown Toronto. We just received a notice we will not be allowed to plant/ use the roof top vegetable garden until the current "stay at home" order is lifted. By the time that rolls around it will be too late to plant anything/

    1. I hear Liberty tree seeds can be planted any time of year. The watering can be difficult.

  3. The former British colonies have been horrendous (Australia, Canada, New Zealand), just like the mother ship.

  4. Canada and the USSA is so screwed as the noose tightens. No one will show up to their own enslavement.

  5. Authoritarianism is the wrong word. This is fascism. This is persecution. And I am not a member of any church or religious organization but this is how it starts. Only a matter of time before it happens here in the US. The mayor of New York has openly stated he would enforce restrictions on the Hasidic Community by force if needed. He has backed off in recent months but unless there is resistance from those not associated with that community, such action could be taken a many people might just go along with it. Including secular Jews. All depends on what the fascist Warren Wilhelm (aka Bill DeBalsio) thinks he can get away with. The fact that he has not been removed from office for violating numerous codes of the office, The Constitution, etc gives anyone paying attention how little people actually care until it hits them in the face or as they say they boot is on THEIR neck.

  6. How about jamming up their bureaucracy by filing individual complaints against each officer there. If one person files a complaint against each officer, that's 200 complaints. If two....

    1. They will simply summarily toss the complaints into the waste bucket. And the you can complain about that until the hell freezes over.

      Now, if the uniformed thugs will start failing to come back home... that will make the rest if them to re-evaluate their life choices.

  7. How about jamming up their bureaucracy by filing complaints against the 200 officers? One person with 200 complaints, you do the math.

  8. What the Canadian authorities need is a George Floyd-type incident, to distract the citizenry from the State's repressive activities.
