Thursday, April 15, 2021

A Very Hot Jim Jordan Questions the Sociopath Anthony Fauci

This is excellent. 

It is clear Fauci has no specific measurement as to when he is going to stop playing god and returning liberties to the people.



  1. It is so amusing how left and right can watch this same exchange and interpret it entirely in opposite. Really, go on Jack Dorsey's ego factory. The blue checks think fauci and maxine were superlative and jim is unhinged.

    It's all about which political actor has a construct of reality that is closest to yours.

  2. Great entertainment, but why on earth is Jordan still wearing the mask? Fines? Doubtful. Will they drag him out if he doesn't muzzle himself? Now that would be entertaining!

  3. It is great to see Fauxie grilled like this and reveal his disdain for liberty. Has any member of the house or senate challenged any of these bozos on their data?

  4. I have no idea why on earth someone would go around asking when they can have their liberty back. Your liberty is something that you take. If you have to ask for it, then it is a permission.

  5. He should have challenged Fauci on his bogus predictions, his record of being wrong on schools, wrong on Florida, all of it. I disagree with Bob: I couldn't even get through this.

  6. Jordan should have stuck with the original question without introducing freedom. That was all Fauci needed to reframe the conversation. Fauci operated like a child who sucks the parent into an argument about laundry to divert attention from the fact that he stole the cookies

    1. Agreed. That's all Fauci seems to ever do is to deflect and reframe. Ex.: "Your trying to kill all these people - WHY?" Fauci: "It's 'You're', not 'Your'".

  7. Jim Jordan is arguing with a visible sign of weakness, his mask, to the person who is telling him that he has to wear it. To strengthen his position, why not take the damn thing off before any of it starts? He's asking Fauci as if he alone is able to make the mask stuff go away. It's high time for Jordan to use his pulpit to make a statement in a physical manner rather than a weak argumentative manner. I notice that when Rand is doing the same thing, he has no mask.

    I agree with Tom, there needs to be a direct challenge to Fauci's record when he's being questioned. Framing the exchange should be in favor of the questioner, and should serve to keep Fauci on the defense. He needs to be exposed to the masses at some point.

    1. Jordan is in the House. Rand is in the Senate.

      Democrats control the House and masks are required, the Senate has no such requirement.

    2. wow, good to know...would like to see the scientific studies each chamber used to decide on their rules, I mean they MUST HAVE done studies! Following the pscience, seems the Senate would be older on average, but maybe not; why use logic anyway? It's likely too complicated for a mere mortal to understand.

  8. If Jordan had cajones he wouldn’t be asking Fauxi anything. Jordan should be telling Fauxi that he has no power over Reps, Govs, Mayors, etc. and the well informed, non-sociopathic ones will be ignoring his BS.

  9. "Democrats control the House and masks are required"
    "Mail me the fine, Nancy!" is the correct reply.
    I respect Jordan much less after watching that.

    1. You have no idea how Pelosi plays:

      "When Speaker Pelosi announced the masking requirement, she noted that Members and staff who are not wearing masks would not be permitted to enter the Chamber."
