Friday, March 12, 2021

Georgetown Law Professor Fired Over Remarks About Black Students

 A Georgetown Law School professor has been terminated after comments she made about a lot of her lower performing students are black, according to ABC News.

In a recording of the video call, adjunct professor Sandra Sellers is speaking to a fellow adjunct about students' evaluations and performance.

"And you know what, I hate to say this, I end up having this angst every semester that a lot of my lower ones are Blacks. Happens almost every semester," Sellers said. "And it's like, 'Oh, come on.' You get some really good ones, but there are also usually some that are just plain at the bottom. It drives me crazy."

Bill Treanor, the dean of the law school, said in a statement Thursday that he was "appalled that two members of our faculty engaged in a conversation that included reprehensible statements concerning the evaluation of Black students."

The dean said that the other adjunct professor on the call, David Batson, has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by the school's Office of Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action.

In a resignation letter obtained by ABC News, Sellers said she was "deeply sorry" for her "hurtful and misdirected remarks."

The video was shared on Twitter by student Hassan Ahmad, who told the New York Times that the conversation happened last month at the end of a class after students had logged off the Zoom call. 

Well, has anyone actually looked to see if many of the poorer performing students are black? 



  1. This is a far cry from the standards expressed in the movie The Paper Chase.

  2. So stating that she feels bad (43 seconds) or disappointed (angst) that many of her under performing students are black is reason to have her fired?

    1. Yeah. She is concerned. And she gets fired for it. Is it wrong to even see what is in front of you now?

  3. Thomas Sowell made a similar statement regarding his time at Cornell.

  4. Yeah. For instance, being honest about his, could lead to having a preparatory class first, before this one which could improve the underachieving students' performance. Instead of pretending it is not happening. How is firing her for caring a good thing. It is sweeping issue under the rug. At that age anyone can learn anything. Do not shame them, do not teach them to coast or feel like these things are impossible. Make accommodations so they can improve and reach the required level, if you really care. Which I am sure they can.

    1. We could work diligently to uncover the root cause of a disparity. But that's like um hard and stuff. Not a quick result. Totally boring.

      Wouldn't it be better if we started with inventing the root cause, deciding in advance it is an injustice due to this invention, and taking credit for "working" for a better world by disparaging anyone who disagrees?

      See now THAT is how you make the world a better place!

  5. Reality is racist so reality must be cancelled.

  6. How is this different from the progressive types who note that blacks are a larger percentage of the prison population than other races?

  7. I grovel before my new overlords ... the Idiocracy

  8. I’d feel bad if she stood up for herself, but she obviously is a supporter of cancel culture, since she apologized.
    I’m sorry I hurt muh feels.
    I glad she got fired. Hopefully they will continue to fire each other.
    Eventually, the mindless idiots will kill each other off, the part we play is to help them along and stay alive in the process.

  9. See something, don't say something.

  10. We know Africans are stupid? Why is RW afraid to post this fact of nature?
