Friday, March 5, 2021

Cancel Culture Takes Aim at Thomas Sowell: Amazon Halts Sale of Kindle Version of Sowell Book

Thomas Sowell

The cancel culture is apparently flirting with canceling a Thomas Sowell book.

Get the paperback copy while you still can here:



  1. This could get interesting. Sowell is 90 and probably could not care less and doesn"t have much to lose at this point which puts him in a very strong position to combat this nonsense. Personally I would like to see him go nuclear over this. One of the true intellectual giants.

  2. The “Anointed” won’t face the truth about themselves and try to shut down the man who shows them who they really are. Sowell’s writings crosses cultures and classes in this country. Hopefully there will be others to publish him. Mises, for example.

  3. Shhh...! Don’t tell “the cancellers” about his other book:

    Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

    And if he charges, as I read it, that the African-American (Black?) lifestyle as we “know it” was/is culturally appropriated from Northern English and border Scots cultures (i.e. Rednecks who were fussin, fighting, fornicating and distilling whisky). They was bad!

  4. Several reviews mention that the kindle formatting quality is terrible; hopefully they're just trying to get that resolved.

    1. Yeah, I found Brion McClanahan's "Southern Scribblings" similarly afflicted. I wish someone would review that Kindle edition and fix the damn typos.

  5. I agree with Renfield. It's time for some digital secession. I don't know why this one touches such a nerve with me, but if they can cancel Sowell (a consummate scholar and voice of reason) then what is left?

    Robert, would love to see a post on how we can completely divorce from these losers. New email, web browsers, e-commerce, operating systems, phone OS, etc. etc. Would also like to see more of us step up and start supporting free market content creators who espouse classical liberal or anarchist ideals. Tom Woods, Robert Wenzel, Jordan Peterson, etc.

  6. But libertardians love censorship when private companies do it? Am I right? The corporatocracies work hand in hand with the federal government to implement things the government can not do itself.

    1. Well that's the 1930s idea of a few large corporations in each business sector that are partnered with or heavily regulated by the government. Competition is considered to create duplication of effort and thus is not efficient. And of course it's much easier to control through a few big corporations than many different companies of varying size.

    2. Well, this arrangement has a perfectly good name: fascism.
