Thursday, March 18, 2021

Biden Says Vladimir Putin Is a ‘Killer’ Who Is Devoid of a Human Soul

What the hell is up with Joe Biden?

Biden sat down for an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, who asked: “So, you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer?” Without hesitation, the president replied, “Mmm hmm, I do.”

The president also confirmed that, some years ago, he was alone with Putin in his office and he brought up the topic of Putin’s lack of a human soul. “I said, ‘I looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul,’ and he looked back and said, ‘We understand each other.’ "

During their recent call with each other, Biden also threatened Putin about election interference.

“We had a long talk, he and I, when we... I know him relatively well. And the conversation started off, I said, ‘I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared,’” Biden said.

Biden is going to be absolutely horrific on the domestic front and the foreign policy front.

Why would you taunt a foreign leader, any foreign leader, never mind a foreign leader with nuclear weapons?

What is the problem with removing sanctions and opening up trade?

"History is a struggle between two principles, the peaceful principle, which advances the development of trade, and the militarist-imperialist principle, which interprets human society not as a friendly division of labor but as the forcible repression of some of its members by others. " -Ludwig von Mises



  1. Dear President LameBrain,

    Mr. Putin, ever wiser than you, suggests you are projecting when you claim he is a killer. Isn't that obvious? And his further response, He wishes you well despite your bellicose remarks. Is dementia causing your belligerency or is it just exacerbating what already exists?

    John Q Public wants to know.

  2. Biden proclaims to be Catholic even though does not follow basic magisterial teaching and tenants, such as that abortion is and always will be intrinsically evil and never supported.

    His comment that Putin doesn't have a soul is also completely contradicts Catholic teaching. All humans have a soul from conception until death.

    1. He has the cover of the Vatican and the American bishops, because the hierarchy itself has abandoned Catholic teaching.

    2. How can that be? Private judgement(s) being exercised by individuals in the Roman-state monolith? Protestantism on steroids!

  3. Hate to say it, but I miss the days when Romney was mocked for saying Russia was the US's #1 geopolitical foe.

  4. This is a classic takes-one-to-know-one moment. If Putin did really say that to Biden (and who knows when you consider the source of the statement is a politician himself), he did so simply to gauge Biden's reaction.

    Anything a politician says is a double bind like "this statement is false."


    1. Take-down #2:

  6. Clear cut case of projection.

  7. I have to chuckle to myself when I realize that Putin is far more of a statesman than most US leaders. He's calm, cool, and collected. Whereas U.S. "leadership" always seems to be nothing more than the playground bully - taunting, teasing, and hassling the pig-tailed girls on the playground.

  8. I suspect Vlad and the rest of the World B (as Demitry Orlov terms it) are falling about laughing.

    Here's a clearly demented man pontificating on spiritual matters.

  9. i see these missteps as nothing but golden gifts to show the world what idiots are in charge of the swamp. Demento Joe cant even drum up credibility for his warmonger masters.

    The win win is the simple practical diplomacy used to negate the biden buffoon
