Monday, March 1, 2021

An Insider Take On Andrew Cuomo

Andrew Cuomo

 I emailed a top political insider friend to get his take on who is trying to take out New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.

This is what he emailed me in response:

Cuomo, who oddly I know well and have a decent relationship with, is a straight up thug. He has moved left whenever he needs to pander but  the LEFT in New York hates him.
They know he beleives in MONEY and Power- he has no real ideology-- 
A woman teacher with no money got 46 % against him in a primary.
He is vicious, tough, smart , vindictive and can be brutal to those who cross him.
Three terms. Too long.


  1. "He is vicious, tough, smart , vindictive and can be brutal to those who cross him."

    Imagine having a principled libertarian with these qualities.

    1. Such libers you find only in one´s imagination, Count.
