Sunday, February 21, 2021

Slavery: The Details They Don't Teach You In School

This is great commentary by Candance Owens.

She is probably the most important black commentator today, outside of the professional economist Thomas Sowell.




  1. The American educational system seems to produce kids who believe that slavery is uniquely American, that it is about race, and that you need a brutal war to end it. None of those points is true, and the evidence is readily available if one is really interested in learning (although the NYT doesn't want you to engage in critical thinking any longer...).

  2. This has been on my mind as I've been revisiting Ancient Greek & Roman Philosophy. Slavery was widespread and casually accepted through much of human history. The fact that it has become unacceptable to the degree that it has should be celebrated. The African slave trade had its unique set of abuses but if you want to play the grievance game feel free to look at any aspect of human history and you will find long chains of suffering.

    Candace mentions the indirect slavery we have today but there is also direct slavery in the form of sex slaves, non-violent prisoners and the draft. That's not to mention prison countries like north Korea, draconian lock downs and so on. But they don't care because social justice is an aberration of Justice.

    1. Indeed. Slavery is about power, not race, just as rape is about power, not sex. Every race has enslaved its own race and other races in history. But you won't read about that.

  3. Candace appears to be making an "ends justify the means" argument - i.e.: "It's really great here in the USA for black people (arguable), therefore you should stop making such a big deal about slavery".

    1. And? American Africans probably have the highest standard of living than anywhere else. If they felt oppressed, airfare to Africa is cheap and they could live free of the horrible white man.
