Sunday, December 27, 2020

"We Need to Stop Them Now!!"

 The resistance is growing:

And in the San Francisco Bay area, a heroic restaurant owner blocks a health inspector's car.



(ht Michael Edelsteain)


  1. My heart goes out to that guy. Welcome to the state's definition of "essential" vs. "non-essential."

  2. While speaking out against these political tyrants is a good thing as the men in these videos so eloquently demonstrate, organized action/resistance at the local level needs to follow to end this madness. And there are millions of people waiting for a call.

    Libertarians have denigrated Saul Alinsky as communist sympathizer but have overlooked his superlative ability to organize the politically weak in various communities. IMO this country is in need of the organizational skills of many, many Saul Alinskys.

    1. Sure. We had one. Remember that guy named Obama? He was an organizer. Worst prez since Carter. And I'd give Carter points for not understanding what was going on.

    2. Organizational skills are not the sole domain of the communists, the socialists, the libertarians or any other political group.

    3. This is an interesting tact: to challenge the emergency of C-19. I think it needs to go further and challenge the powers allowed during a declared emergency. Powers often realized by those that declare the emergency.

    4. This is a great example.

  3. Bravo! But picking nits, I really wished the beleaguered business owner would have challenged the female cops “suggestion” to step over to the sidewalk.

  4. The cops who enforce immoral laws are immoral themselves. That's the deal. Point your finger at the so-called health department and immoral cops. What a guy. That's one hero standing up against tyrants.

  5. : a good watch.

    - Biden and the CCP
