Monday, November 2, 2020

How Democrats Slit Their Own Throats With the College Student Vote

During a new episode of Cotto-Gottfried, guest  Patrick Basham, of the Democracy Institute (the only polling organization to get both Brexit and the 2016 Trump victory correct) told the host Joseph Ford Cotto that lockdowns in Democratic states, especially in the Midwest, has resulted in Democrats slitting their own throats.

College students, of course, are notorious Democratic voters but he says so many colleges and universities are shutdown because of COVID-19 lockdowns in Democratic states the notoriously efficient college get out the vote efforts are not in operation this year.

He says that conservatively this is going to cost Democrats a million votes.

Basham added that in recent polling he is picking up a growing sense among college students that they are fed up with the lockdowns which may give them a reason to not vote or vote Republican. 


1 comment:

  1. Students at the University of Michigan have received a stay-in-place order from local authorities after coronavirus infections skyrocketed at the Ann Arbor campus.

    The order will be in effect until Nov. 3 and undergraduate students at the college will be forced to stay in their residence halls unless they are going to class, eating at a dining hall or doing work that can’t be done remotely, the Washtenaw County Health Department said in a statement.

    COVID-19 infections among University of Michigan students account for 60 percent of local cases, according to the statement.

    “The situation locally has become critical, and this order is necessary to reverse the current increase in cases,” county health officer Jimena Loveluck said in a statement.

    “We must continue to do what we can to minimize the impact on the broader community and to ensure we have the public health capacity to fully investigate cases and prevent additional spread of illness,” he added.

    The university will also move more classes fully remote in response to the emergency order.

    “We hope this additional guidance on limiting social activities reverses the trend of increased cases related to social gatherings,” Robert Ernst, the associate vice president for student life at the school, said.

    The county has recorded 4,229 confirmed cases as of Oct. 19, with 60 percent of those caused by students at the school.

    Violators of the order will be subject to a fine, the county said.
