Monday, October 19, 2020

ASTONISHING: Rudy Giuliani On the Biden Crime Family

 This is the most stunning video you are likely to ever see in your lifetime on political corruption exposed. Rudy Giuliani lays out the case of corruption in the Biden family, all surrounding Joe Biden, with clarity and detail. This is beyond must watch. This is history in the making (38 minutes and 12 seconds).


Btw, Giuliani references several times that he hopes viewers don't end up seeing some terrible videos that are on Hunter Biden's laptop. He is probably referencing this.



  1. Holy cow. This is the kind of stuff I’ve wished came out on all the crooks that are government from the well known whistle blowers.
    What happens? How can this not go all over Democratic Party hierarchy? If so how do they not go down without a fight? Then does the mud come out on the Republicans?? Do they create some major chaos? Man, 2020 is getting more crazy as we go still!!
    Hug your gold coins alright, and polish your barrels.

  2. Coming from one of the most corrupt politicians himself, that's really saying something.

  3. I predict that the terrible videos will be leaked. When it comes to scandals, generally the public doesn't care too much about how much money was taken. The terrible videos, on the other hand, can't be ignored.

    1. There's no way the public will watch the torture dungeon stuff - it's too horrific. It's like the Weiner computer contents - even hardened NYC anti-pedo cops couldn't take it.

  4. The media will stonewall this till election day. Example: I searched on Google News for 'Hunter Biden', picked the CNN story titled "Breaking down the New York Post's story on Hunter Biden", where it says "CNN's Brian Stelter analyzes the New York Post's story on former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and explains why the anti-Biden narrative was manufactured." That's all most of the country is going to see.

  5. The true face of politics emerges. Two lying thieves fighting over the loot. We are reminded again of the truth in the statement: There is no honor among thieves. Yet at least half of the voting age public continues to play this self destructive game.

    1. The need to be ruled, or the desire for free stuff?

  6. "This will arguably be the biggest scandal in the history of this country. ...Certainly involving the most amount of money."

    Ahhh, what about 9/11 and the wars/opiate explosion that followed in its wake? Maybe aside from allowing Pearl Harbor to take place I don't think anything even comes close to that.

    Otherwise the mainstream media blackout of this strikes me as the real story here, given how uniform and possibly even coordinated it seems to be.

  7. The majority of the public couldn't be less interested in such boring stuff.
    More interesting is the latest Tik Tok sensation, or what the celebrity gossip is over at TMZ.
