Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rudy Giuliani's Son Considering Running for Mayor of New York City

Andrew Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani's son, Andrew (34), is considering running for mayor of New York City in 2021.

“I am certainly thinking about it. It’s something that a bunch of people that I trust have approached me with,”  AG told The New Post. “It’s been terrible to see over the last few years how the city has spiraled. I am afraid if the right candidate doesn’t win in 2021, four more years of de Blasio’s policies will remind us of the 80s.”

He currently is working in the White House as a public liaison assistant to President Trump.

“I am trying to make sure the president gets over the finish line on November 3rd and then right after that my focus is going to be on how we can save New York City again,” he said.

The Post also notes that if he did seek the Republican nomination, Andrew would potentially face off against supermarket billionaire John Catsimatidis, who is also considering a run — and has pledged to spend $100 million of his own money to win. The Giuliani and Catsimatidis families are personally tight and Rudy has spoken enthusiastically about a potential John Catsimatidis run.

Rudy was at best a mixed bag as mayor of the Big Apple but he would have certainly cracked down against the current roaming rioters in the city. And he would have been an easy choice against the mad lefties looking to gain the Democratic mayoral nomination.

All indications are that Andrew would align his positions with Rudy's.



  1. He started preparing a long time ago, lol

  2. I think this version is even better:
