Monday, September 21, 2020

New Kim Klacik Ad

Kim Klacik

I continue to follow Kim Klacik who is running for Congress as the Republican nominee for Maryland's 7th congressional district in the 2020 election.

She could become the AOC of the right. I remain cautious while I continue to learn more about her positions but in her latest ad, she talks mostly about tax credits to help get Baltimore on its feet.

Whatever her positions this is a powerful ad, the kind that put AOC over the top when she first was 




  1. Why are there only women (in heels) in her ads? How does that get the male vote?

    As usual with GOPers, I'm against much of what they're against, but still think that their solutions are wrong.

  2. I agree NAPster.
    AOC dresses pretty and wears heals, but I think this gal needs to not look like a Fox News host in all of her ads. She can tone it down, still look great, but not look so “rich” to the very poor community she is talking to. The end of this ad literally made me think of a pop music video.
