Monday, September 7, 2020

A Comment On White People

Black Marxists are not playing.


  1. Another ignorant simian that is unworthy to live in America. She needs to pack her obese ass, and take Oprah and Bubba Wallace and the rest of the BLM back to Africa. With notable exceptions, this is an example of a worthless race of people that I to at times even regarding as human. This is why 'duh-versity' couple with 'duh-mocracy' is always a disaster.

    1. As the inimitable Vox Day says: Diversity + Proximity = War

  2. If White people are despised so much you would think that a White Separatist movement would be very popular among the Blacks and Browns: after all, they would not have to look at another White person ever again. But they don't want the Whites to go away: they just want them under their thumb. That's because Whites - specifically White men - are the host that all the parasites feed off of. If the host goes away, the parasites die.

    1. It will always be clear that duh-versities need us way more than the whites will ever need them. I can't think of single damn thing that came out of Africa. Blacks are only successful here in any capacity because of the technology, legal, and economic system created by White Europeans. Most of them are what Paul Kersey call 'obsolete farm implements'.

    2. Dude. I understand your anger, but you said nothing productive.

    3. While white males are under attack, making it about race instead of the underlying marxist ideas is playing their game. You will never win their race game.
