Monday, May 25, 2020

What You Need to Know About the 2020 Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee

Jo Jorgensen 
Jo Jorgensen won the Libertarian Party's 2020 presidential nomination on Saturday during the party's nominating convention.

The convention was held online and included 12 hours of debate and four rounds of balloting.

I am not too excited about the Libertarian Party this year because I doubt the party will be able to garner much coverage given the dynamics of the Donald Trump-Joe Biden(?) race. You would need a very special kind of talent to get significant news coverage and Jorgensen isn't that person.

Many of those who might vote libertarian will probably vote for Trump thinking Biden might be too destructive (or at least his controls would be).

That said, Jorgensen appears to be a solid libertarian. However, her issues page presents issues as though she thinks she has a chance at winning the presidency rather than using her platform to educate about libertarianism.

She just doesn't come out in favor of abolishing much of anything, she just calls for shrinking government.

A few examples from her issues page.
Republican and Democratic policies over the past fifty years are the reason health care has become so expensive. Their latest proposals to ‘fix’ health care will further micromanage your doctors and restrict your access to care while failing to solve the underlying problem. They differ only on whether this should be done by private insurance companies or government bureaucrats. This is the exact opposite of what needs to be done. We can reduce the cost of health care 75% by allowing real price competition, and by substantially reducing government and insurance company paperwork. This will make health care affordable for most Americans, while also reducing the cost of legacy programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA.
Taxes are never voluntary – they are always paid under threat of punishment. If you fail to pay what government says you owe, you can be fined, have your wages garnished, assets seized, even go to prison. Voting for more government spending inevitably leads to higher taxes to pay for it – now, or in the future. As President, I will work tirelessly to slash federal spending, make government much, much smaller, and let you keep what you earn.
Now, you can see where she is going with this: to really shrink government's role, and these would be awesome positions from a Republican candidate. But Jorgensen didn't get the Republican nomination she got the Libertarian nomination, so there is no reason for her dilute true libertarian views.

She is not going to get elected president. She should just let it really rip and take hardcore libertarian positions, such as abolish all taxes and end government involvement in healthcare, for starters. She has an opportunity to catch the ear of a few and let them know how radical libertarianism really is but , apparently, she is not going to do this.

She is going to hide libertarian radicalness and sound like a very conservative, smaller government Republican. How is anyone going to learn about libertarian radicalness with this positioning?

I hasten to add, I would be arguing differently if she actually had a choice at winning the election. Then it would make sense to slip a libertarian into office who didn't hedge on principles but carefully dressed them to get over the top in the election. This is not now the case.

Jorgensen has less of a chance of getting elected this November then Jeffrey Epstein.



  1. Too bad. Hornberger is the radical libertarian who could have run that educational campaign.

  2. “The freedom to trade and travel are fundamental to human liberty. As American citizens, we should be free to travel anywhere we choose, and to buy and sell anywhere in the world. As President, I will use my Constitutional authority to eliminate trade barriers & tariffs, and work to repeal arbitrary quotas on the number of people who can legally enter the United States to work, visit, or reside. “

    F*** libertardians! We have millions unemployed and she states this idiocy. We need to end the green card scam and kick out all H1's. As for H2 agricultural workers, I'm sure we have a large enough libtard population or ghetto to do this. This is why I hate the libertarians at this point. There is no right to come here and the make the country a turd world shit hole. Race, IQ, and culture matter.

    1. NDN, can you explain to me how letting in all this human debris would benefit America? And if cheap labor is the driver, then Mexico and other places should be kicking our ass economically, but that is always lost on libertardians.

    2. Lab Manager, cheap labor is part of it. The reason Mexico and other third-world nations aren't "kicking our ass" with all their cheap labor, is that those countries don't have, in conjunction with the cheap labor, an accumulation of capital savings there, nor capital investment from elsewhere.
      You should read more Mises, Hoppe, Chodorov, Hazlitt and Rothbard. I would suggest Mises' great, transcribed speeches, "Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow."

    3. " And if cheap labor is the driver, then Mexico and other places should be kicking our ass economically..."

      Have you looked at China over the recent 50 years ?

    4. Am I to understand the platform advocates, or accepts, continuing or expanding the concept that a vast array of government benefits, including economic and health, should be used to entice immigration ?

  3. Another year and no message to social conservatives that a PPS would allow them to vet and ban anyone not professing their version of the truth, including dopers, gays atheists etc... And no message to the hipsters that they could vet and ban anyone not professing their version of the truth including social conservatives, gay bashers, alt righties etc... And no message to the alt righties that they could vet and ban anyone not professing their version of the truth including libertarians, free traders, dark skinned people etc...

    I can't think of a dumber outreach program than the usual "when we legalize all drugs but still have public streets and schools, meth cookers will be able to move next door to you and you will have to send your kids to school with their kids" outreach model.

  4. LP-ers seem to hold the clueless notion that you can "reform" evil by becoming part of it.
    The only rational response to evil is to destroy (abolish) it or separate yourself- in this case, meaning abolition and secession.
    I would join the LP if they promoted secession and only ran for offices at the state and local level.
    Forget this nonsense about being Emperors and DC Gangsters.

    1. Exactly.
      When will we follow the roadmap to victory given to us in Star Wars 4,5, and 6?
      “I’ll never join you”!!

  5. There are not enough farm workers and the few that are drawn from the city (because we have to pay the AEWR) last for 3 days before they realize it is real work and not easy. If you like having fresh produce available year round in your local grocery store, you might go visit a farm or two that you purchase your products from and see what kind of work is necessary to produce and harvest fruits and vegetables.

    1. My parent's had 5 acres with the home at one time. We did not have any animals but did grow corn, blackberries, beans, okra, tomatoes, potatoes and other stuff. Yes, it is quiet a job to harvest these things by hand. It's too bad we cant round up and exterminate the inner city ghetto populations since they are totally useless for any kind of work.

    2. Lab Manager, that argument is a non-sequitur if I ever saw one. Your argument is basically "Yes, farm work is hard. We should kill all urban blacks."

    3. Are we using "ghetto" in its historic jewish application ?

  6. The LP at this point is like the UK's Official Monster Raving Loony Party. It exists solely for popcorn entertainment.

  7. If Jo Jorgensen were smart she would take the radical position that the mass lockdowns, social distancing, etc. were not necessary. Rather freedom and free markets should have been embraced to deal with the virus. She could highlight the clueless and flip-flopping positions taken by Fauci, Birx, and the Surgeon General; she could turn the spotlight on all the failed projections about how many were going to die; she could cite what noted epidemiologists Knut Wittkowski and Ioannidis thought about how to deal with the virus; she could make known how the lockdowns have resulted in more deaths than the virus itself through suicide and lack of non-COVID healthcare; and she could highlight that there was very little difference in death rates between countries that implemented total lockdowns and those that did not. Jorgensen could transition right into the FED, the crazy amount of money creation, and its eventually effects on Americans (i.e. loss of purchasing power, significant price inflation, and a lower standard of living). Those who believe everything the legacy media says would think she was a kook. However, based on the lockdown protests, there are a number of people that would give Jorgensen a listening ear. And, who knows, she might educate a great many people on the evils of government. The milquetoast "I want to shrink government" tact isn't going to cut it.

    1. If the crowded pools and beaches over Memorial Day do not result in a spike of infections, the folly of the lock-down would be obvious ?

  8. Jo Jorgensen/The LP will be equally irrelevant this election cycle, regardless of whether or not she goes all in with an absolutist position or a more nuanced LP-lite position. That's the reality of multiple decades of failure. The LP has failed over decades to change the political or cultural dialogue. America is far further away from LP ideas today than it was 20 years ago. You can deflect the blame to poor candidates (of which there have been many, Gary Johnson comes to mind), the 'lamestream media' (a poor excuse: given the appropriate candidate the MSM would provide ample media attention; See Donald Trump), or the public schools 'indoctrination' (an even poorer excuse: yeah, when no one is listening to you, blame the 'system)-- how convenient), but the problem is far more a case of the philosophy itself being poorly articulated by its 'leaders' or those who self-appoint themselves as such. (This website is a classic case in point -- elevating non-Libertarians like Laura Loomer and Milo Y and others when convenient simply because they have some cult of celebrity.) About the only libertarian belief to take hold in the US over the past two decades is marijuana legalization, which was done by and large absent any contribution and/or outreach by classic 'libertarians.'

  9. Contra to the writer, I feel many have fallen away from Trump. Biden is developing an even larger amount of baggage from Ukraine. I believe Jo may collect the largest LP vote ever.
