Monday, May 4, 2020

NYPD Social Distancing Beatdown

Coppers are using the lockdown to get in a few swings and takedowns of the completely innocent.

From the Gothamist:
In a video recorded on Saturday, a plainclothes officer can be seen punching and tackling Donni Wright, a groundskeeper with NYCHA, while shouting the n-word, brandishing a taser, and subsequently kneeling on Wright's head. The confrontation began after officers, some of whom were not wearing face coverings, spotted "a number of people not wearing masks" at the corner of Avenue D and 9th Street, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said on Monday.

Every mini-power freak in the country wants to get in on the anti-freedom lockdown.

Black Lives Matter shouldn't put up with this.



  1. New York, New York S'wonderful town!
    The Bronx is up and the Battery's down!

    To quote the Stones: "Just as every cop is a criminal..."

  2. Notice how most of the cops either weren't wearing their masks, or were wearing them improperly, and only started pulling them up when they noticed the cameras.
