Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lockdown Resistance Explodes in Michigan

Operation Gridlock
The Michigan anti-lockdown Facebook group had gained another 45,000+ followers yesterday and is now close to 310,000, ~4% of the state’s adult population.

Also, "Operation Gridlock," the protest planned against Governor Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home order, is underway at the State Capitol.
HOT CLICK HERE: NEW FROM THE RESISTANCE: Four Michigan Sheriffs Defy Governor

Also see:

The Dorr Brothers of Liberty Organize Protests of The Lockdowns and Send the Left Into a Tizzy


 What You Don't Know About Dr. Tony Fauci


(ht Chris Rossini)


  1. Well, this is kind of a dumb protest. Why not protest by just opening up for business?

    1. virtue signalling feels good

    2. not sure, but maybe because it doesn't break the law/ go against current orders?

    3. This protest in of itself may be a small step to show how large the lockdown resistance is to government and the public, thereby encouraging the public to open up your businesses setting up whatever precautions you deem necessary for your businesses. An auto shop will differ from a hairstylist, etc. Be prepared to document how the police treat you if they visit, get their badge #s, and report them to City Hall and the police department as a previous commenter suggested to clog up the bureaucracy with paperwork.

    4. Government listens to nor respects anything less than human numbers.

    5. Malicious compliance is a form of resistance. Tyranny by its nature makes playing by all the rules unworkable. Not only for those being ruled but for government systems as well. It exists in a world of selective enforcement. Obey all the rules to the letter and use them to cause the most difficulty. Will the tyrants break their own rules? Of course. But that damages them further.

    6. This is a mass protest showing solidarity with each other. To me, individual protests seem more personal. And not everyone can just "open up for business" if you work for someone else. Businesses can be fined or even shut down. This mass protest has less risk for each individual.

    7. Here in Ontario you'd face a $100,000 fine for opening your business.

    8. Wish we would all do that. There are more of us than the Gov. They work for us not to control us. Or are they just preparing us for Socialism and the agreement they signed in 2015 to be effective in 2030 for 1 world Gov. If Pres, Trump manages to make us totally independent we may get out from under that

    9. to tell all the panic stricken rodents hiding in their holes they dont give a rats azz what you or your fuhrer thinks

    10. That is the point of the protests. If nobody risks anything nothing happens. Fine me, I go back to work tomorrow!

    11. These patriots protesting the lock-down enacted for the sake of the nation? How well would they have handled rationing and blackouts in WW II without complaining? Where is their character? Where is their willingness to sacrifice for a cause greater than themselves?

    12. Maybe they need you to show them how to do it better. Always critics.

    13. Individuals opening for business would be easy targets for officials and police to target. Mass protests have more weight. Remember the Arab Spring?

    14. Mass protests can get out of hand and prime targets for agent provocateurs but less so with cars.

    15. I'm from Michigan, it's a state of doggedly independent thinking people, who will stand up to the power structure.

    16. I've been trying to convince business owners here in Pa. to do just that! They are afraid of being fined--I told them to TAKE THE CITATION!

    17. Lizards - "Socialism" ?? - lol - maybe crack a book some time. Take advantage of the stay at home. Shut off the TeeVee for an hour a day.

    18. I don't see either making a difference. Ya need about 20% of the population. Quick and quite as possible, storm the building and lynch the gov. It's constitutionally legal and sends a hell of a message to all the other civil servants at every level. What can they do to that many people anyway and I also think Trump would back us up. He's in over his head with a much deeper swamp than anticipated. He needs our help but cannot verbalize it.

  2. We darn sure better have civil disobediance on a massive scale – the “lockdown” does nothing to prevent the virus spread per Israeli scientific study:

    “Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who also serves on the research and development advisory board for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way. His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.

    The Wuhan Virus follows its own pattern, he told Mako, an Israeli news agency. It is a fixed pattern that is not dependent on freedom or quarantine. “There is a decline in the number of infections even [in countries] without closures, and it is similar to the countries with closures,” he wrote in his paper.

    “Is the coronavirus expansion exponential? The answer by the numbers is simple: no.””


    1. Shared! Thanks

    2. Please don't bring the evil gangster state of Israel into the debate. Thank you.

    3. Sweden isn't "business as usual" they have taken a lot of steps. Just not the overeaction seen in most other countries.

    4. Des - even the founder of the BDS movement said it's ok to take a vaccine for the virus even if it's created in Israel; hypocrite when it comes to his own skin.

    5. I want to know how many Died in Switzerland, Belgium and Israel

    6. Given that Israel can't even tell the truth about the strain they developed to attack Iran, which is genetically keyed to them and thus affects their close genetic ancestors in Italy the same way, I'd normally toss out any credibility an Israeli source has. But since his words line up pretty well with common sense given that people have been resisting and recovering from microbial attacks since the first day of mankind and for most of it without any man made immunity, I will second what he's saying here.

    7. I'm sorry, but I hope all those who are going out and causing civil disobedience catch the virus and then get refused treatment. Staying at home does save lives, stops over running the hospital's which also stops doctors and nurses dying from this virus. But of course the USA is in the hands of a dictator who says you mustn't listen to anyone only me because nobody knows as much as he does when he knows absolutely nothing.

    8. And what are your credentials here?? Are you a, doctor? a nurse? a virologist? a macrobiologist? Or just a person who watches CNN and spews their filthy propaganda all over the internet.. my guess is you are the latter... you know nothing...

  3. Governor is beyond nuts in a crazy world. Not allowed to buy garden seeds?? Puhleaze

  4. I'm a Buckeye and I'm glad to see you folks up North growing a set.

  5. Are you joking? Please tell me you are.

  6. Can she be recalled?

  7. Israel is not a gangster state of they are trying to help others be free of the fear lockdown

  8. Big MAGA shout out to all of my brothers and sisters in Michigan...
    You are the spearhead of a movement to show the tyrannical left their end!
    Much love and support from New Mexico!

  9. wow that has to be some kind of record of dumb people that can drive

  10. Let the revolution begin brother and sisters! It has to start somewhere!

  11. Democrats are showing their true colors. Big gov. Big control. Heavy handed edicts. Draconian measures.
    Long way since JFK. He would be horrified.

  12. See what MYRON FAGAN has said already in 1967 about the abolition of rights by the coming NWO

  13. My opinion, hang the governor, that would send a message. But seeing as how that isn't allowed she will come up for re-election, send a message then and vote her out.
