Sunday, April 26, 2020

Anthony Fauci Admits He Has Not Taken Into Consideration The Unseen Deaths Caused by the Lockdowns

Congressman Tom McClintock (4th district of California) has outlined the dire consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns in the video below.

Most shocking, he reports that he asked President Trump's advisor Anthony Fauci if he had taken into account the unseen deaths caused by the lockdowns. Fauci said he had not.

And that is to say nothing about the domestic abuse, child abuse and child rape increases that have occurred because of the lockdowns.

What kind of shallow thinking adviser to Trump is this guy?

He should be fired on this alone. Never mind all the other contradictory, shallow comments he has made.



(ht Martin Hill)


  1. Tom McClintock makes excellent points.
    THank you for posting this video.

  2. I seem to recall reading at article somewhere which pointed out that this was a problem in the way gun violence is studied by the medically oriented vs. criminology/economically oriented scholars. The medical model sees a disease or a health problem and seeks to eradicate it; they tend to ignore side-effects beyond those that afflict the individual. As a result they centrate on one aspect of the whole. My favorite analogy--and I think it is more than a mere analogy--for this is the studies Jean Piaget did with younger children who centrate on, say, the height of a glass or its width and are unable to recognize that the volume of the glass depends upon all compensating transformations.

    1. I think a lot of this has to do with the types of personalities that end up being doctors in our society. Lots of square neerdlings who achieved success by being good at doing what they were told in school, always jumping through the next hoop on cue and being rewarded, told how smart they are how wonderful it would be if all the students acted like them. They rarely had opportunities to understand the thinking and worldview of the other 99% of people who don't have such a warm relationship with authority.

    2. Yes. The same can be said about politicians. I always pictured the Clintons, for instance, as the heads of their student councils.

    3. The good at school types have infested the medical professions in large number.

      And there are those who get rewarded for being good students but on the other hand there are those for whom authority makes a lot of trouble. Those who for whatever reason the institution of school decides they shouldn't make it.

  3. Fauci definitely should not be in power but, it could be argued that as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) it is not Fauci's job to do other than understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.

    It can also be argued that it is the job of all the little Mussolini governors and mayors (as Thomas DiLorenzo calls them) to account for all the information, including, but not only, from the NIAID, to determine policy.

    1. To quote Paul Simon: "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest".
      Of course, Bastiat was there first.

  4. What happened to personal accountability -- something I thought Libertarians prided themselves on. But, now, if someone commits domestic abuse or child rape we blame it on the lockdown? Seriously? So, is the implication that someone who had no propensity to engage in these acts only now does so because of the lockdown? Or is the implication that someone who has such a propensity now has greater opportunity because of the lockdown? How so? He/she isn't ever home alone with their kids or spouse absent a lockdown? Hell, since all of the family members are ostensibly home more often now one could argue that the opportunity for some of these behaviors (like 'child raoe,' as you use as an example) is less likely given that there are now multiple people in the home at all times.

    1. What are you blathering about? An abusive father/husband is not going to give a shit who is home. I doubt they plan their violence. They just get mad and blow. They don't sit calmly and plan to get angry at set times when certain people are home.
      And when did Libertarians claim that they were any less likely to be physically abusive?
      The point is OBVIOUSLY that someone who abuses their family is far more likely to do so when they are all cooped up at home PLUS he is probably pissed because he cannot go out and that he is laid off.

  5. Isn't he a hold-over Obama STOOGE???? Been here TOOOOO long! Time to go!!!!!
