Thursday, March 26, 2020

Child Abuse Explodes Amid COVID-19 Lockdown

"Vee must lockdown everyone," Tony Fauci.
So much for Fauci's Fabulous Lockdown not only will suicides increase but apparently severe child abuse.

Newsweek reports:
Doctors at a children's hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, say the deaths of two preschool-aged children from different families in a single day could be linked to the coronavirus outbreak.

Speaking with Newsweek on Monday, Dr. Jamye Coffman, the medical director of the Child Advocacy Resources and Evaluation (CARE) team at the Cook Children's Hospital, said that doctors had already sounded the alarm after they noticed a rise in the number of children being admitted into the facility due to suspected child abuse.

At a facility where doctors are typically asked to review as many as six to eight cases of potential child abuse in the span of a month, Coffman said Cook Children's Hospital saw seven children admitted with suspected child-abuse related injuries in less than a week.

Coffman said the cases doctors are asked to review on a monthly basis are not always directly related to child abuse and do not always warrant admission into the hospital. "The ones that we saw this last week," she said, however, "were all what we thought were abuse," with six of those cases warranting hospital admission.

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The seventh child, a preschooler, Coffman said, died in the hospital's emergency room before they could be admitted.

Further, the doctor said, that child was not the only preschooler to die that day, with two children dying from their injuries in the span of a single day last week.

While Coffman could not share the identities of the two children, she said that one child died from head trauma, while the other was pronounced dead in the hospital's emergency room after suffering apparent trauma.

"There were injuries that were obvious that made us concerned about child abuse and so we're just waiting for the autopsy to verify that, but there were some obvious injuries that had no explanation," she said.

1 comment:

  1. As people are driven to their limits, some people unfortunately take it out on their children.
