Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The 31st Edition of Tyler Cowen's Washington DC Ethnic Dining Guide....

Tyler Cowen
...is out. Here.

For those of you that are anti-immigrant, you might want to stick to this or this.



  1. I'm not ashamed of any of my comments but how most immigrants are worthless when they come in mass hordes and change the culture and society and particularly government. Not a single one of my critics has been able to show that importing a mass of people from dysfunctional low IQ or even high IQ countries leads to a libertarian society given that said people don't have a culture conducive to limited government.

    I like a wide variety of food, I just don't millions of non whites that come from dysfunctional societies. But I know libertarians are clueless about race, IQ, and culture.

    1. Hello, Lab manager!
      ──"I'm not ashamed of any of my comments"──
      That's because you're shameless, so no surprise there.

  2. On the other hand importing western and northern Europeans steeped in the rule of law, individualism, private property rights, a culture conducive to limited government, has not stemmed the onslaught of unlimited government in this country.

    1. This is also true. Even the English or was one of the founders noted the German or was it Prussian for their love of authority. However, in the big picture and with some exceptions, most of society works as far as law and basic necessities 24/7, and relatively low crime issues.

    2. You know you have a culture that prizes individual liberty when you have an empire on which the sun never sets.

  3. Hello, Robert!
    You should take a look at this video posted by John Stossel on the reason why people in some African and especially Sub-Saharan countries are poor.


    Of course the reason posited has nothing to do with the argument pushed by insecure mediocrities like white supremacists and nationalists which is that those people are "Low IQ, Too Different". It's a very well-made video.

    1. Yeah, 'low IQ' is not the biggest part of the problem. There must be some reason they could not maintain those cities after the white Europeans left. Talk about shameless.

  4. Speaking of immigrants and food, police in the village of Yellow Springs, Ohio (Dave Chappelle lives there) pulled over a driver for not stopping on the white stop bar line and wrote the driver 2 citations.


    Sounds like he was then transported to jail for being a repeat offender. But his immigrant status is in question, so he is now being held by ICE. Turns out the guy is a longtime villager and family man who operates the food truck Miguel’s Taco’s. Thankfully lab managers everywhere can rest safe knowing that this "worthless immigrant" is off the streets. Maybe his food truck can get taken over by some white Antioch College kids so that the villagers can finally enjoy some Mexican food cooked by non-Mexicans.

    Lab Manager,

    Come on out. Safe for you to visit now.

    1. If he is 'illegal', how the hell is he operating a food truck? Is he paying his fair share of taxes or is that through a stolen SS number? If he could, would he vote libertarian? Inquiring minds would like to know before we pass judgement.

      I had an acquaintance who worked in federal immigration court as a lawyer. Even if they were not committing violent crimes they were using stolen SS numbers and other issues in addition to being here illegally.

      If anyone could show me how mass immigration has benefited America over the last 30 years, I would like to see stats. I know 'cheap labor' is the driving mantra of libertarians.
