Sunday, June 23, 2019

THE ENTIRE LIST: Rudy Giuliani Earned $11 Million for Paid Speeches the Year Before He Ran For President

Rudy Giuliani 
Nearly 100 internal Trump transition vetting documents have been leaked to "Axios on HBO."  Here is a glimpse, thanks to the documents, at what the crony high-level Rudy Giuliani money-making machine is all about.

The Trump transition team was so worried about  Giuliani, in line for Secretary of State, notes Axios, that they created a separate 25-page document titled "Rudy Giuliani Business Ties Research Dossier" with copious accounting of his "foreign entanglements" which included consulting contracts with Iran's opposition, MEK, Qatar, Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, Columbia, Honduras, Chile and Russian corporations.

Below is the list of Giuliani's speaking gigs between 2005 and 2008 and what he was paid.


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