Thursday, December 13, 2018

Privatize All Bodies of Water: Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Aquifers, and Mud Puddles Too!

An exchange between M and Dr. Walter Block:
From: M
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:37 AM
Subject: Water Values Podcast
Dr. Block, 
I want to thank you for appearing on the Water Values Podcast and for authoring Water Capitalism with Peter Nelson. I wrote to the host of this podcast and encouraged him to invite you on his show. This type of show is pretty niche to water professionals, especially younger ones like myself, and the ideas and concepts Peter and yourself brought to the listeners was badly needed. A few months ago, the host was basically worshipping the slimiest, most corrupt former EPA lawyer that appeared on his show, a common theme on many of the shows unfortunately. Feeling strongly that worshiping this high priest in the revolving door of the federal bureaucracy is the worst way forward for water, I felt strongly that others in the water industry need to know there is better way. As Peter stated so nicely, a more moral and just way, and as you obviously laid at the listener’s feet, the path to wealth and abundance. Thank you again! M in DFW, Texas. 
Dear M: 
Thanks for your kind comment. I wanted “Mud Puddles” in the title of this book. I was balked. Ah, well, you can’t win them all. 
Best regards,

The podcast is here. -RW 

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