Friday, November 2, 2018

What Oprah Doesn't Get

Stacey Abrams and Oprah
Oprah Winfrey is on the campaign trail in Georgia in support of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. It is reported that she is giving rousing speeches for Abrams. Her stump speech contains this:

I’m here today because of the men and because of the women who were lynched, who were humiliated, who were discriminated against, who were suppressed, who were repressed and oppressed, for the right, for the equality at the polls, and I want you to know that their blood is seeped into my DNA, and I refuse to let their sacrifices be in vain.
But what she doesn't say, and probably doesn't realize, is that it has always been government that has kept down the people whose blood is "seeped into her DNA."

Long after slaves were freed in the United States, the abuse with those carrying Oprah-type DNA continued--abuse by the government and especially in the name of helping Oprah's kind.

LBJ's "Great Society" programs come to mind, which provided incentive for fathers to abandon families and was at the heart of creating urban primitives.

Oprah needs to get mad and call for the end of governemnt meddling into the lives of people with her DNA and not be out on the stump campaigning for a common politician who will do nothing to change the situation for the good for people of any DNA.


1 comment:

  1. ── Long after slaves were freed in the United States, the abuse with those carrying Oprah-type DNA continued─abuse by the government and especially in the name of helping Oprah's kind. ──

    It's a shame that her thinking is based on the wrong and disproven notion that the State is a force for good if only the right people were to populate it. It's that same notion that drives Trumpistas to trust the state and, frankly (and shamefully) it drives the thinking of many anti-immigrant pseudo-libertarians who want the state to impose itself between Americans and immigrants who want to engage in peaceful trade.

    ── LBJ's "Great Society" programs come to mind, which provided incentive for fathers to abandon families and was at the heart of creating urban primitives. ──

    It would be very difficult to find a 'better' example of unforeseen consequences and the tyranny derived from good intentions as The Great Society. African-American families were much closer and teenage pregnancy at a LOWER rate compared to Caucasian families. That social program was implemented by social engineers who were actively recruiting (sometimes harassing) people to apply for social programs, targeting specifically African-American families. The results of years of activism and harassment are too plain to miss. This great tragedy affects mostly people of color. The State does not exist to be a force of good but to keep people divided, confused, enslaved or hooked forever on government largess.
