Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Melania Drama: Informs Secret Service Over Call For Removal of Barron From Her

While President Trump was still in his "take the kids from parents" phase, Melania Trump called for Secret Service help after actor Peter Fonda, did not come close to separating Barron from Melania, but just tweeted the notion:

It is confirmed that the Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron, reports The Daily Caller.


1 comment:

  1. This is the woman who threatened to sue a YouTube user for posting a montage of MSM clips of her clearly autistic son. The clips had already run on TV, but it was merely an (obviously very damning) compilation. The video was not mocking in any way, matter of fact it was made by an autistic guy himself & the title was 'stop the bullying.'

    They scared the guy into pulling the vid & issuing a groveling apology. I saved the vid before it was yanked.

    The trumps, including adulterer melania, are power-mad & insane.

    (And if anyone is "confused" about my adulterer remark, see Matthew 5:22.
    "But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
