Monday, May 22, 2017

This is Interesting

Melania slaps Trump's hand in public in Israel.




  1. Melanie gave us a wake up call on how she really felt about Donald when her smile morphed into a frown as Donald turned his back to her on inauguration day back in January. I believe Melania wants no part of Donald and his mendacious treatment of her and the American electorate. The man ran a completely fraudulent campaign that ranks among the most vile simplistic cartoon campaigns in American history. Melanie knows just how deep and twisted the deception Donald is selling America, and I think she has had it with him. Look for Melania to retreat to Trump Tower after this sickening junket overseas so she can nurse a black eye in private.

    1. Dude, save the white knighting. She married him because she wants money. She used him just as he uses her for her looks, but when suddenly as his wife additional responsibilities as first lady and what not show up, she complains? Get the hell out of here, I have no sympathy for her.

    2. I agree that Melania married him for his money, but relationships can evolve over time in a good way or a bad way. Look, Trump is a psychopathic authoritarian freak who sold out the American public in a breathtaking way the day he sworn into office. So you tell me, who is the bigger whore? I can answer that, Donald Trump in my opinion will destroy what is little is left of the Bill of Rights as he bombs the hell out of Iran for his owners in Tel Aviv. Nothing Trump does is on behalf of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty of the individual, no he is a rumpled psychotic slut who toils for mayhem, death, and genocide.

    3. Exactly what Dexter said. Now she has to do shit and she doesn't like it. Her life of luxury now comes with actual responsibilities. Poor her. Like Bill Burr said, there's an epidemic of gold digging whores out there. She is one of them. I'm sure Donald isn't a great husband but there is a long line of successful people who were also bad husbands. Turns out, when there is shit to do, you cannot sit around catering to your wife's every need and desire.

  2. It could also be a friendly slap.
