Friday, March 31, 2017

Jared Kushner's Desktop Computer

Elizabeth Spiers writes:
On my first day of work as the editor in chief of the New York Observer, which had been acquired five years earlier by Jared Kushner, now the son-in-law and senior adviser to President Trump, I inherited an office and a desktop computer, both in fine but used condition. The computer was a recent-model Mac, but when I turned it on, it was inexplicably running Windows. I summoned our beleaguered IT guy to explain, and he informed me that it had belonged to Kushner, who liked the design of Apple products but preferred the Windows OS.

“So he was basically using a $2,500 desktop as a monitor?” I said. The IT guy shrugged.


  1. No, he was not basically using a $2,500 desktop as a monitor. He was using an Apple Macintosh computer running Windows instead of MacOS. It's expensive, but not much more than a typical high-end Windows computer with a similar configuration. From the sound of it, he liked the iMac all-in-one design. Guess what. All-in-one PC designs with comparable specs are also expensive. Jared would hardly be the first to do such a thing.

    What is the point of this? You do realize this vignette is idiotic and symbolic of nothing, right? My guess is the IT guy shrugged because Ms. Spiers is obviously an idiot and not worth him time, not because her assessment was correct.

  2. Battery life - I have thought of doing the exact same thing. My best PC can get maybe 5 hours and a good Mac can get 8. If you travel, it is a logical thought if you prefer windows.

  3. Shimshon is right the IT guy doesn't sound very technical ... people run windows on Macs this is normal. The truth is from a software perspective Microsoft has a corner on the market here is a better market for software on windows then Apple and people do prefer apple hardware. Go google run windows on a mac ... there are a ton of results this is not news. Both Apple and Windows run on the same type of CPU Chip. Saying he was basically using a $2,500 desktop as a monitor shows more ignorance to Spiers and what she and her IT guy understand about computers than anything else.

  4. Other people have covered the fact that Apple went to intel hardware for the Mac many years ago allowing Mac hardware to run MS Windows either as standalone or as a dual/multiple boot option, but the reverse works as well. Apple tries to make it difficult but Hackintoshes are made anyway.

    Back to Kushner, essentially he paid for an operating system he didn't use and a premium for hardware he liked. The mac stuff is more expensive for the same specs but it's not like a giant leap. The OS is pretty much a wash since the paper likely had some sort of bulk licensing with MS. Many companies will remove the MS OS that comes on a PC and replace with whatever version the company is on anyway.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. little do they know, they could of spent a little or nothing on fixing it, and have made it quicker than the new computer they have already gone and purchased. gtx comparison
