Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Former Intelligence Officer: Trump Will Die in Jail

The curious "former" counterintelligence officer, John Schindler (formerly NSA, NAVSECGRU, NWC), who somehow managed to get a regular column at the rag, The Observer, run by President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has sent out a tweet hinting that Trump "will die in jail," because of actions he has taken in conjunction with Russian intelligence.

Schindler's columns at The Observer tend to be slick rehashes of already public information about Russia, Trump, and Trump aides. In the columns, he doesn't exactly connect the dots but writes as if he has.

Today, he has taken things to new levels. It is not clear if he has sources in the intelligence community feeding him intel or imagined sources fueled by too much brewski.

This is his profile picture.

Perhaps a combination of brewskis and the resignation of Michael Flynn has emboldened him today.

He sent out this tweet earlier:

By this tweet, it is unclear if he meant Trump but he followed it up with this:

But he also seemed to walk it back:
And ended with this:



  1. In a sane world there would be a huge body of Tom Clancy style fan fiction about this guy. I think he's awesome.

  2. Major nutcase. Scary thing is that he used to be an intelligence officer.
