Wednesday, June 8, 2016

This is Damn Strange

BTW In this clip, Gary Johnson says he wants the world to be "uberized" as though that is some kind of libertarian goal.

Note well: Uber is a method of operation, a method of providing a service. There is nothing in libertarianism that advocates a specific method of business operation over another. Johnson has no clue.

He is a libertarian distortion machine. He is not a libertarian.



  1. Another manifestation of the tragedy of the commons which is the playing field of politics. You cannot play in this field and expect the result to be liberty. Johnson himself admitted he is a "square peg that doesn't fit in a round hole." And so it is with liberty and politics. Don't vote.

  2. ─ Gary Johnson says he wants the world to be "uberized" as though that is some kind of libertarian goal.─

    He is being interviewed by Samantha Bee, a Marxian and a disgusting pig of a person. It is clear Johnson is using terms that even a Marxian pig can understand.

  3. I think his point is, "Look at the huge leap in quality between cabs and uber. That's what freedom allows for. Imagine those kind of leaps happening in every field of human endeavor."

    I agree he is not a true libertarian, but he is far and away preferable to Trump or Hillary. At this point I would settle for a president who is not actively seeking world war 3.
