Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Further Exchange on Tom Plamer, Gays, Guns and Islamic Homophobes Coming to Kill Us

More back and forth on: Exchange on Tom Plamer, Gays, Guns and Islamic Homophobes Coming to Kill Us:

From Michael Edelstein:

Walter, Why would they be coming for “us” here in the US when there’s US military and others to fight on their own shores?

Clearly Omar Mateen was a lone nut, was he not?


From Walter Block:

He was a “lone nut” who pledged himself to ISIS.


From Michael Edelstein:

The evidence is slim that he was involved with the IS. 

We may similarly conclude he was pledged to the NYPD, evidenced by Mateen sporting an NYPD T-shirt. 


From Walter Block:

We disagree on the facts


From Michael Edelstein:

What are your facts and your sources?


Check back to this post for further updates.


From Walter Block:

I’m too busy to get into this

From Michael Edelstein:

I have not seen evidence his ISIS connection was any deeper than 1 or 2 statements. In fact the FBI investigated him 3 times and never uncovered anything worth holding him for.


  1. The problem here is that Robert Wenzel and Michael Edelstein don't understand Fourth-generation warfare.

    1. you are going to have describe this 4GW then.

    2. Semantics.

      They are not coming for us. The guy was sexually, religiously, and probably a number of other ways confused. He was likely influenced by the FBI if not directly part of one of their "sting" operations.

      It's very important that we differentiate between incidence planned and carried out by an organization and those by lone nuts that mentioned an organization in their social media chatter.

  2. Walter Block has gone off the deep end. This is downright embarrassing.
