Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Rand Paul to Visit the Epicenter of the Establishment Beast

This should be interesting.

NYT just announced:
Rand Paul, the junior senator from Kentucky and a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, will visit the editorial board on Wednesday, and he’ll be answering one question from a reader.
Got a question for Senator Paul? Leave it in the comments. The senator will choose a question from a hat to answer on camera, and we’ll share the video after his visit.

I'm not as interested in what question he picks out of the hat (though it would be nice if a few Target Liberty readers left a question asking what Rand thought of NYT's treatment of Walter Block. See: Distorting A Champion of Liberty: The Walter Block Controversy), as I am how Rand deals with establishment questions.

I don't think he will answer questions the way Walter Block would.


1 comment:

  1. I will guess that the NYT will not include all the questions in the hat. They will preselect questions and weed out any involving Dr. Block, for example.
