Sunday, August 9, 2015

Who are The Black Lady Trump Cheerleaders?

Two black women are blowing up the internet with pro-Donald Trump youtube videos, see here and here.

Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson appear to be the real thing, though, there shtick appears to be Hollywood-style professionally written by a full staff and performed by actors chosen right out of central casting.

Whatever the case, I predict they will soon find themselves with their own nationally broadcast show, though it will be interesting to see who breaks the color Trump barrier to pick them up.

They were recently interviewed by Hard Line.



  1. O. M. G.

    This is so blatantly PR scripted.

    Oh, HELL NO! Bitches be trippin'.

  2. We know that Trump hires people to attend his rallies. Maybe the ladies are making some extra cash.
