Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Sarah Palin Interview of Donald Trump

Blah, blah, blah, Trump wants a simplified tax system.

The vets are great and they need Trump's management.

He nods when Palin says he has a libertarian streak.



  1. Libertarian streak? Since when?

  2. Pssst... Sarah, honey...we call those skid marks or bacon strips in flyover country...

  3. This is exactly why I disagree with you, Robert, on Rand damaging libertarianism -- even if Rand has been a joke so far. The media, and the public flails with all these political identities, because they don't want to take the time to truly understand them -- or they want to outright trash them. They will misinterpret and trash libertarianism with or without Rand Paul. Worrying about Rand Paul being tagged libertarian is counterproductive.
