Target Liberty has obtained a copy:
You might hear some news over the next few days about Hillary Clinton's emails. Because you are an important part of this team, we wanted to take a few minutes to talk through the facts -- we need your help to make sure they get out there.
There's a lot of misinformation, so bear with us; the truth matters on this.
Here are the basics: Like other Secretaries of State who served before her, Hillary used a personal email address, and the rules of the State Department permitted it. She's already acknowledged that, in hindsight, it would have been better just to use separate work and personal email accounts. No one disputes that.
The State Department's request: Last year, as part of a review of its records, the State Department asked the last four former Secretaries of State to provide any work-related emails they had. Hillary was the only former Secretary of State to provide any materials -- more than 30,000 emails. In fact, she handed over too many -- the Department said it will be returning over 1,200 messages to her because, in their and the National Archives' judgment, these messages were completely personal in nature.
Hillary didn't send any classified materials over email: Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.
What makes it complicated: It's common for information previously considered unclassified to be upgraded to classified before being publicly released. Some emails that weren't secret at the time she sent or received them might be secret now. And sometimes government agencies disagree about what should be classified, so it isn't surprising that another agency might want to conduct its own review, even though the State Department has repeatedly confirmed that Hillary's emails contained no classified information at the time she sent or received them.
To be clear, there is absolutely no criminal inquiry into Hillary's email or email server. Any and all reports to that effect have been widely debunked. Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secure manner.
What about the Benghazi committee? While you may hear from the Republican-led Benghazi committee about Hillary's emails, it is important to remember that the committee was formed to focus on learning lessons from Benghazi to help prevent future tragedies at our embassies and consulates around the globe. Instead, the committee, led by Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, is spending nearly $6 million in taxpayer money to conduct a partisan witch-hunt designed to do political damage to Hillary in the run-up to the election.
Hillary has remained absolutely committed to cooperating. That's why, just as she gave her email server to the government, she's also testifying before the Benghazi committee in October and is actively working with the Justice Department to make sure they have what they need. She hopes that her emails will continue to be released in a timely fashion.
It's worth noting: Many of the Republican candidates for president have done the same things for which they're now criticizing Hillary. As governor, Jeb Bush owned his own private server and his staff decided which emails he turned over as work-related from his private account. Bobby Jindal went a step further, using private email to communicate with his immediate staff but refusing to release his work-related emails. Scott Walker and Rick Perry had email issues themselves.
The bottom line: Look, this kind of nonsense comes with the territory of running for president. We know it, Hillary knows it, and we expect it to continue from now until Election Day.
It's okay. We'll be ready. We have the facts, our principles, and you on our side. And it's vital that you read and absorb the real story so that you know what to say the next time you hear about this around the dinner table or the water cooler.
Remember, Hillary is the most hated of all the 2016 presidential candidates, thus she is the least likely to get much accomplished if she is elected president. For a libertarian this is an attractive point.
A Hillary presidency could be used to provide intellectual ammo, from a libertarian perspective, to others as to why she should be hated and the government shrunk. Thereby educating about liberty. She is an ideal foil, especially compared to someone who might be elected in a wave of enthusiasm but with the same damn evil policy agenda.
I know you think Bernie Sanders must be stopped at all costs, but the argument that Hillary is too hated to get anything done and would provide intellectual ammo also applies to Sanders. Black Lives Matter proved that Bernie is a weakling who commands no respect even from his own base. He would get very little done as president. An added bonus, if the current boom busts during the next presidency, the left won't be able to blame it one capitalism or freedom, seeing as how the leader of the free world is a socialist pushing for 'soak the rich' tax and social programs.
ReplyDeleteAn a separate note, i would point out that the fact that even the DNC chairwoman can't name how democrats are different from socialists shows that Bernie Sanders really isn't outside the establishment or mainstream of liberalism. Not sure how, exactly, a Sanders Presidency would differ much from an Hillary Clinton Presidency, or the Obama Presidency.
From the Anarcho-capitalist perspective, all government systems are necessarily evil and those would be lords over us are contemptible and dangerous. As Lew Rockwell says, all presidents of recent memory leave one pining for their predecessor, as one wallows in this downward spiral of authoritarianism.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the Republican Party would forgive old spats if she came out hard as a pro-war president though. She may be able to "get things done" then, with Kristol peeing himself that we are "all neo-cons now" and demanding that the republicans work with her.