Tuesday, July 21, 2015

On Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire

Dominick Armentano emails:

Loved your note on Barry Bonds. I did something similar on Mark McGuire sometime back.
In case you missed it.

All the best, Robert.

1 comment:

  1. Dom,
    Great article.
    But I would like to emphasize the "wound healing" aspects of steroids.
    You rightly point out that there are so many skills involved in hitting a major league pitcher, that sheer strength is only one of many.
    However, if you have a blown out tendon for instance, it can really mess with your swing. So steroids can help with the healing, and help strengthen the surrounding, supporting muscle tissue.
    Mark was hitting those moon shots as a rookie. In the Colosseum!! At night!!! Without steroids.
    Later, I think they helped with his injuries.
    So now medical treatment is a FEDERAL CRIME???
    How far we've sunk.
    P.S. It's all envy, you know.
