Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Finally, The Harassment Stops

Lew Rockwell wrote in March 2011:
 Government operatives-with the help of journalistic snitches for the regime—are stillpersecuting baseball great Barry Bonds for allegedly improving his performance via steroids. How many millions have they spent? Not that they care, since it is not their money, and they can use it to enhance their careers of oppression. It is the typical case of social parasites using the government gun to attack a man who has actually benefited society. Was Barry fooled? Or did he knowingly improve his already great baseball skills in this way? What decent person thinks he should be caged like an animal if he did? And if he violated his contract with the San Francisco Giants, let them sue him. It was George W. Bush who criminalized steroids, which may mean the CIA sells them. Certainly that is one reason his father was also a vicious drug warrior: to stamp out private competition to CIA cocaine. Of course, both men are powermad, too. In any event, the best articles on Barry were written by his great fan, the late Burton S. Blumert. See also Burt’s very funny book: Bagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten Politicians. He didn’t start writing until late in life (it took me years of cajoling), but I knew he would be a master of the funny, pointed essay. See Burt’s archive, his Gold Page, and the tributes there. He died two years ago today. It can’t be said of too many men that everyone who knew him still misses him, but that was Burt.


1 comment:

  1. But it will NEVER stop. He'll always have that asterisk (real or imagined) after his name. Like Pete Rose.
    He was arguably the greatest ballplayer in history. He had it all. Speed. Power. Average. Defense.
    What a frikkin' shame.
    Shame on them all.
