Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Iowa Poll: Trump Tied for Second Place

According to a Quinnipiac University poll released today, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker leads the pack in the Iowa Republican Caucus, but his support is shrinking among likely Republican Caucus participant.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are at 10 percent each,  Rand Paul and  Ted Cruz are at 9 percent each, former Jeb Bush of Florida at 8 percent and  Marco Rubio of Florida at 7 percent. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has 5 percent. No other candidate is above 4 percent and 5 percent are undecided.

According to the poll, favorability ratings for the Republican candidates are:

66 - 8 percent for Walker
63 - 7 percent for Carson
61 - 28 percent for Huckabee
60 - 13 percent for Rubio
58 - 19 percent for Cruz
53 - 31 percent for Paul
46 - 42 percent for Bush
Negative 42 - 47 percent for Trump
Negative 25 - 59 percent for Christie


1 comment:

  1. thats the way to get noticed among the voter group you're targeting, outrage the Progressives.
