Thursday, July 2, 2015

Chris Christie on The Great Wall of Trump

By Chris Rossini

Chris Christie had a few words about the proposed Great Wall of Trump:
"Please be careful about anybody who's running for president who is going to tell you that they're going to build a wall across the entire southern border. It's not going to happen; it's the wrong message to send and it's not going to be effective."
Ok...that's actually true. The Great Wall of Trump is a ridiculous solution.

Christie even seems to understand why:
"I know the human spirit," he added. "I've never seen a wall that was big enough or tall enough to stop a person who was determined to get over, under or around it from getting over, under or around it."

But how well does Christie really understand the human spirit? If a person cannot be stopped from going through a government wall, can that same person be stopped from using drugs if government makes it illegal?

It is here that Christie tosses his understanding of the human spirit. Not only is he against the legalization of drugs, but he promises to crack down on the states that have legalized it should he become President.

Do people who are determined to use drugs "get over, under or around" the fact that government has made them illegal? Of course.

Is Christie blowing smoke about the human spirit? Of course.

He's just taking a poke at another guy who is vying for the very same Crown.

Chris Rossini is author of Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve. Follow @chrisrossini on Twitter.

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