Monday, July 6, 2015

Bernie Must Be Stopped!!

By any political means available. ---

Bernie must be stopped by continuing to point out the flaws in his socialist thinking.


  1. To the Left, MARCH!!
    Just to be a Devil's advocate:
    It would be interesting to see what becomes of our Imperial foreign policy under Bernie. My bet is on"No discernible difference."
    What's the old tale about showing the President-Elect JFK's limo?

    1. I thought it was to show the JFK assassination from a never before seen angle. I think it's from a Bill Hick's comedy routine.

  2. If Bernie Sanders must be stopped, does that mean you favor voting? Is Rand better than Bernie?

  3. Yeah. Lets stop Bernie by voting for the Republican candidates. Hey, you kow, the guys who believe in lower taxes, state autonomy, reduced regulations, free market health care, groovy cool supreme court justices like John Roberts and all the other neato stuff they do when theyre in office.
