Thursday, June 25, 2015

Terrible Response From Rand on Supreme Court Obamacare Rulling

Rand Paul has issued a statement in response to the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare. It's a typical Rand statement.

"Obamacare raises taxes, harms patients and doctors, and is the wrong fix for America's health care system," Rand said.

But instead of calling for a return to free markets, he called for "real solutions" for the "system", whatever the hell that means:
As president, I would make it my mission to repeal it, and propose real solutions for our health care system.
The man is just terrible on issue after issue. He is a micro-manager of the state, nothing less.



  1. Quicksand is a terrible political foundation, but Rand Paul has made it a hallmark of his 2016 Presidential campaign because he intuitively knew his father's campaign positions were too inflexible.

  2. I generally agree with most criticism of Rand Paul.
    But in this case i have to say, in his defense, that because he did not specifically identity what his "real solutions" would be, they could actually be free market solutions.
    Granted, the chances of Rand meaning this are slim at best, but we cannot say his response is terrible until we know exactly what his proposed solutions would be.
