Friday, June 12, 2015

Scott Walker Slings Some Magic Dust

By Chris Rossini

Check out this folk tale that Walker's feeding the American public:

To anyone that believes this nonsense, I have some bad news for you about the Tooth Fairy too...

"We" didn't defeat communism, and "Reagan" did not perform some kind of abracadabra trick.

Communism, as Ludwig von Mises wrote well before its collapse, was a dead man walking.

Chris Rossini is author of Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve. Follow @chrisrossini on Twitter.


  1. Scott Walker's conservative dogma is nothing more than rhetorical ejecta for the dwindling number of Reagan faithful who still believe in "the Gipper". What Walker fails to understand is that the Greatest Generation, and the Silent Generation that bought Reagan's spiel can't get to the ballot box from where they currently reside.

  2. It's adorable how conservatives invoke their demi-fraud when seeking the throne

  3. Reagan was a disaster for conservatism in general, not to mention the country. Moving away from the quiet social tolerance Goldwater advocated with respect to gays and bringing in the Moral Majority types paved the way for the insanities of the Cultural Marxist LGBTQetc. movement we're stuck with now. The War on Drugs of course was a disaster that eroded traditional constitutional protections and helped set up the police state. Reagan was also the one who started us down the road of snowballing deficits and destroyed any credibility conservatives may have had when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Reagan's truly earned his place as a "great" president as the messes he's responsible for are starting to rival those of LBJ, FDR, Woodrow, Teddy, etc. etc.
